
  • 网络Value-Adding Activities;value adding;value-added activities;Value Added Activity
  1. 价值链会计的管理活动主要应从价值信息管理和增值活动管理两个方面展开实施;

    The VCA 's managerial activities are implemented from two aspects : value information management and value-added activities management .

  2. 业务活动的优化关键是解决商业银行的活动瓶颈、不断对商业银行的弱势增值活动进行优化;

    The key to optimization of banking activities is to solve the bottlenecks and unceasingly optimize weak value-added activities .

  3. 随着信息时代的到来,新型业绩评价体系EVA和平衡积分卡从不同侧面诠释了企业价值增值活动,而我国企业的业绩评价体系大多使用简单的评价指标,在评价深度和广度上都存在问题。

    With the coming of the information age , new achievement appraisal systems of EVA and balanced scorecard explain enterprises ' value activities from different aspects . But many Chinese enterprises adopt simple appraisal indexes , where there are many problems in width and depth .

  4. 精益项目研发过程中的非增值活动分析

    The Analysis on the Non-value-added Activities in Lean Product Development

  5. 随着对供应链管理思想越来越多的了解,企业发现原来不属于增值活动的采购也具有了增值的能力。

    With more and more understanding to SCM idea , enterprises found that purchasing which also have value added ability .

  6. 一凡积极参与大学提供的增值活动,包括导师计划、交换生计划(她曾到宾夕凡尼亚大学当交换生)及实习计划。

    Yat Fan participated in many enrichment programs including the mentoring program , a student exchange to the University of Pennsylvania and an internship .

  7. 首先通过带参数的有向超图为企业过程建模;然后根据最小化等同超图理论总结出过程优化的三条规则,用于简化企业过程,识别和减少非增值活动。

    First , modeling business process according to the directed hyper-graph , then summarized three rules according the hyper-graph theory to the simplification of business process .

  8. 关系型银行业务理论作为一种新的研究角度,有利于指导我国银行的价值增值活动和开辟新的中小企业融资方式。

    Relationship banking theory as a new angle can illuminate us increase value of banks and invest a new way of financing for small and medium enterprises .

  9. 而供应链管理中的库存管理作为企业增值活动的一个重要环节,也成为企业面对变化多端的市场需求下不断缩短的产品生产周期所关注的重点之一。

    Inventory management , as an important element of value-added , has drawn the attention of companies in order to meet the variable demand and shorten production lead time .

  10. 介绍了持续流的定义及其在建筑业中应用的意义,并对价值流中的增值活动进行了界定。

    Secondly , they are discussed about the definition of continuous-flow , the meaning of the use of continuous-flow in construction , and the value-added activity of value stream .

  11. 粮食物流是指从粮食生产、收购、储存、运输、加工到销售服务整个过程中实体运动以及在流通环节的一切增值活动。

    Grain logistics is the entity motion during the procedure consists of grain producing , grain purchasing , grain storage , grain transportation , grain processing , grain sale , and all the value-added activities .

  12. 创业投资机构的增值活动通过强化企业能力,为风险企业创造了更多的价值,而监控活动则通过提高风险企业的公司治理水平,降低了代理成本,它们都促进了企业绩效的改善。

    The value-added activities of venture capital create much more value for the enterprises by strengthening firm capabilities , while agent cost is reduced by more monitoring activities . All of these promote the improvement of firm performance .

  13. 虚拟价值链是处于市场场所的企业物质价值链在市场空间中的镜像反映,它是由与物质增值活动所对应的信息增值活动独立出来而构成的价值增值链条。

    The virtual value chain is that the mirror image in market space of enterprise material value chain , it is from with material appreciation activity corresponding information appreciation value appreciation roller chain that activity seperate and form .

  14. 通过流程管理带动整个供应链中信息流、资金流和物流的良性运作,以及供应链中的价值增值活动,创造和提高客户价值,降低其价值成本,达到客户价值最大化的目标。

    The flow management drive the information flow , funds and logistics are excellent in the supply chain , create and improve customer 's value , reduce its value cost , reach the goal that customer 's value maximizes .

  15. 需要对我国生鲜蔬菜物流功能活动结构进行优化,大力发展生鲜蔬菜物流加工的增值活动。最后,提出了我国生鲜蔬菜物流发展对策。

    The functional structure of the domestic fresh vegetables logistics system needs to be optimized . Fresh vegetable logistics processing value-added activities should be developed . Finally , this paper puts forward development countermeasures for the domestic fresh vegetable logistics system .

  16. 应用电子看板系统实现拉动式的准时化管理模式达到降低库存,减少物料流通环节的浪费和过多的不增值活动,并成功的实现了信息流、物流及现金流的有机结合。

    Applying electric – Kanban system to realize pull JIT system and reduce high inventory , reduce the various wastes and non-value added activities caused by materials handling to succeed in the integration between material flow , information flow and cash flow .

  17. 从战略视角下提出了基于质量成本的质量管理集成控制模型,探讨了具体的实施步骤,有效减少了非增值活动,降低了质量成本,提高了企业的长期竞争力。

    Under the view of strategy , it proposes the model of quality integration control based on quality-cost , and discusses the concrete implementation steps in order to reduce the non-increment activity and quality-cost effectively . This method can enhance enterprise 's long-term competitiveness .

  18. 精益生产致力于消除价值链中非增值活动,消除生产流程中每个环节的浪费,通过持续改善,提高产品质量,缩短交货期,降低成本,提高运营效率。

    Lean production is committed to the elimination of non value added activities in the value chain , Through continuous improvement to eliminate the waste in each process of production , improve the product quality , shorten the delivery lead time , reduce cost and improve operational productivity and efficiency .

  19. 如何在QMS审核中开展增值审核活动

    How to Carry Out Value-added Audit in QMS Audit

  20. 文件的形成本身并不是目的,它应是一项增值的活动。

    Generation of documentation should not be an end in itself but should be a value-adding activity .

  21. 该中心将会是一所综合专业设计中心,旨在推动设计工作成为增值的活动;

    The centre will be a multi-disciplinary design centre which aims to promote design as a value-added activity ;

  22. 保险资金投资,是指保险公司在经营过程中,将积聚的部分保险资金用于投资或融资,使资金增值的活动。

    Investment of insurance funds , means using part of the accumulated funds to do investment or financing during the business of insurance companies in order to make increments .

  23. 标准化和自动化可以降低运营成本,并解放IT人员,使他们更多地专注于为客户提供服务,而不是将精力花在较少或没有增值的活动上,如分配磁盘空间或配置软件。

    Standardization and automation reduce operational costs and free IT personnel to focus more on servicing customers than on activities with little or no added value , such as allocating disk space or configuring software .

  24. 因此,必须充分利用本身的优势,以发展高增值的经济活动。

    It has to capitalise on its own strengths and develop higher value-added activities .

  25. 其中每一环节都是房地产商的最终产品增值的价值活动。

    All of the links of the marketing are aimed at the final product increment for the real estate owners .

  26. 供应链金融,是指在供应链业务活动中,运用金融工具使物流产生价值增值的融资活动,是集约化产业链中的重要环节。

    The supply chain finance refers to the operational activities in the supply chain , using financial instruments to produce value-added logistics financing activities which are intensive industry , an important link in the chain .

  27. 随着生产理念和信息技术的发展,特别是供应链的发展,使得原来属于不增值的采购活动具备了增值的能力,在供应链的运作中发挥着重要的战略作用。

    Along with the development of production concept and information technology , especially supply chain , it makes purchasing which was non value-added activity in the past have the ability to add value , and exerts an considerably strategic influence on supply chain .

  28. 它的特点是强调客户对时间和价值的要求,以科学合理的制造体系来组织为客户带来增值的生产活动,缩短生产周期,从而显著提高企业适应市场的能力。

    Lean production stresses the requirement of time and value from the customer , organizes manufacturing activities bringing customer increment and shortens production lead time via a scientific manufacturing system , from which company capability to adapt for changing market could be increased .

  29. 编辑活动是编辑对精神产品的选择、加工,并使精神产品达到增值的文化实践活动。

    Editorial activities are cultural practice of editors ' selection and processing of the spirit products and making the value of spirit products increasing .

  30. 这一点很重要,因为收购这些授权是我们在零售行业见到的增值能力最强的活动,而且这不只是因为拉尔夫o劳伦的收购成本通常为零。

    This matters because these license acquisitions are some of the most accretive deals we 've seen in retail & and that 's not just because the acquisition costs for Ralph Lauren have usually been zero .