
  • 网络National elite;state elite
  1. 在这一过程中,他们也实现着自身的转变,即:从部族政治精英向现代国家精英的转变。

    In this process , they have also transformed from tribal political elite to modern country elite .

  2. 阿拉伯国家精英荟萃,每天内部的故事也是五彩纷呈,可是有几个中国人知道?

    There are wonderful people in the Arabic world and the daily events over there are colorful and variegated , but how many Chinese persons know about them ?

  3. 他们是墨西哥的“富二代”——这个国家精英人士的子女,他们对奢侈品牌的迷恋程度几乎达到了无以复加的地步,唯一能够与之相较的就是他们内心中的优越感。

    They are known in Mexico as ' Juniors ' ─ the sons and daughters of the country 's elite , young people whose love of brand names is surpassed only by their sense of entitlement .

  4. 世界排名第一的曾雅妮捕获她的第二个LPGA巡回赛的胜利以及她今年第五个世界冠军头衔,在上周日她赢得了LPGA国家农场精英赛之后。

    World No1 Yani Tseng captured her second LPGA Tour victory and her fifth title worldwide this year when she won the LPGA State Farm Classic on Sunday .

  5. 他是国家知识分子精英。

    He is one of the leading brains in the country .

  6. 而我们是国家的精英。

    And we are the cream of the country .

  7. 由于他们不再贫穷,这些国家的精英们觉得不需要援助,不管是军事上还是发展上;

    Being no longer poor , their elites rarely see the need for aid , military or developmental .

  8. 真正的赤字是很多国家政治精英的失败以及可靠制度的缺乏。

    The real deficit is the failure of the political elite in many countries and the lack of credible institutions .

  9. 介绍了精英、精英的流动和精英的选择,阐述了社会主义国家的精英思想,分析了关于完善精英流动与选择机制的几点意见。

    This paper introduces the elite , elite flow and elite selection , expounds the elite thought of the socialist country , and analyzes on several suggestions on perfecting the elite flow and selection mechanism .

  10. 这位前美国总统表示支持NBA与篮球全球管理机构FIBA之间的合作,一起创建几个非洲国家参与的精英竞赛。

    The former US president shared his support for the collaboration between the NBA and the basketball 's global governing body FIBA to create an elite competition involving several African countries .

  11. 上月,德国总理安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)批准选择3所大学,作为有资格享受更多国家资助的精英大学,而长期以来有关教育资金的争论由此升级。

    It comes after a long debate about education funding escalated last month when the government of Angela Merkel , Chancellor , endorsed the selection of three universities as elite institutions eligible for state higher funding .

  12. 这些国家的统治精英也直接因全球化而致富。

    Their ruling elites are directly enriched by globalisation .

  13. 在许多国家,文化精英都在感叹语文水准低落的现象。

    The declining standard of language is a common phenomenon bemoaned by cultural elites in many countries .

  14. 来自10个国家的专业精英选手已受邀参加比赛,他们将对现金奖励展开争夺。

    Elite vertical marathon runners have been invited from 10 countries and will compete for cash prizes .

  15. 欧元区外围国家的政治精英应该对他们2010年无法再进入金融市场负责。

    The political elites of the eurozone periphery are responsible for having lost access to the financial markets in 2010 .

  16. 欧洲国家擅长为精英提供一流教育,但是美国的大众教育领先。

    European countries excelled at first-rate education for the elites , but the United States led the way in mass education .

  17. 文学经典的选择与确立的主体是国家话语、精英话语和民间话语三种话语权力。

    Country discourse , elite discourse and folk discourse are the three main bodies during the choosing and establishing of literary classics .

  18. 在奥尔德森的眼里,他的敌人就是那些操控国家金融的精英分子,那些富人中的富人,他们未经授权却扮演着上帝的角色。

    As Alderson sees it , his enemies are the elites who run the finances of the country - " the top 1 percent of the top 1 percent " who are " playing God without permission . "

  19. 如何在国家话语、精英话语和大众话语之间达到良性共生,是电视文化产生以来就困扰着知识精英的忧思,也是本文的期盼。

    It is puzzling knowledge elite how to achieve the benign co-existence among the national discourse , the elite discourse and popular discourse since the TV culture appeared , and it is also what we are expecting in this article .

  20. 校外美术教育是美术教育重要的组成部分。它为学生提供了美术素养进一步提高的空间,在培养美术特长生、为国家输送美术精英人才方面有其独到的贡献。

    Serving as a vital component of art education , extramural art education provides the students with a chance to improve the aesthetic accomplishment further , thus contributes a lot to training of the students with art specialty and elites as well .

  21. 我们国家有一群政治精英。

    We have a political elite in this country .

  22. 这个国家青年中的精英在这次战争中损失殆尽。

    The flower of the nation 's youth was lost in the war .

  23. 新加坡是一个奉行精英主义的国家,各行各业的精英在新加坡经济建设中发挥着重要的作用。

    Elitism from all trades contributes to the economic development of Singapore .

  24. 像芬兰、韩国等国家通过只招收精英毕业生,并给他们相应的奖学金的方式使自己好过些。

    Countries like Finland and South Korea make life easier for themselves by recruiting only elite graduates , and paying them accordingly .

  25. 在这个过程中,国家、市场、精英和制度各自发挥着独特的作用并相互展开博弈。

    In this process , the state , the market , the elite and institution separately play a unique role and expand the game to each other .

  26. 在美国大学的中国学生数量已经超过其他任何国家,进入美国精英学校变得更加残酷,而学生们以各种奇怪的方式面对这样的挑战。

    As the number of Chinese students in U.S. colleges outpaces that of any other country , the journey to get into an elite American university has only gotten more cutthroat and students are rising to the challenge in strange ways .

  27. 国家公务员是国家和地区的精英分子,担负着代表国家和政府对群众进行组织、领导、沟通、宣传的任务。

    As the elite of the society , the public servants shoulder he task of organize , lead and communicate with the masses on behalf of the country and government .

  28. 一个国家的高等教育入学率达到适龄人口的15%至50%,即标志这个国家高等教育从精英型进入到大众型,它代表了现代高等教育发展的趋势与潮流。

    When enrollment rate of a country 's higher learning education arrives at 15 % to 50 % , its tertiary education model turns from elitist to popular . It represents the trend and tide of the development of modern tertiary education .