
  • 网络computer art
  1. 电脑美术与传统美术色彩原理对比

    The Color Principle Contrast Between Computer Art and Traditional Art

  2. 论电脑美术设计专业教学

    A Discussion on Professional Teaching of Computer Art Design

  3. 电脑美术在美术教学中的定位、作用及应用

    Place , Function and Application of Computer Painting in Art Teaching

  4. 电脑美术设计课程的教学方法探讨

    Explore the Teaching Methods of Computer Aided Arts Practising in Class

  5. 电脑美术一门新学科一门新的学科&非线性系统学

    A New Branch of Learning The Computerized Art A NOVEL SUBJECT-NONLINEAR SYSTEMATOLOGY

  6. 包装设计中电脑美术设计的综合运用

    Integrated Applications of the Computer Arts Design In the Design of Packaging

  7. 《医学电脑美术》选修课与教育技术学科建设

    Elective course of Medical Computer Fine Arts and disciplinary construction of educational technology

  8. 熟悉电脑美术和绘图软件。

    Good knowledge in computer graphic and drawing software .

  9. 参数方程在电脑美术设计中的应用

    Applications of Parameter Equation in Computer Artistic Design

  10. 电脑美术课程情境教学创设

    Creation in Contextualize Teaching of Computer Art Teaching

  11. 电脑美术的机遇与挑战

    The Opportunity and Challenges of Computer Art

  12. 浅谈电脑美术与网版印花

    On Computer Art and Textile Screen Printing

  13. 协助建筑经理,负责制作电脑美术和演示文件。

    Assist the Architectural Manager , to responsible for in house drawing and presentation drafting .

  14. 电脑美术设计为包装设计质量的提高创造了条件。

    The computer arts design creates the condition for the improvement of the packaging design quality .

  15. 电脑美术设计开拓了艺术创作的新领域,使艺术的表现形式也越来越趋向于综合。

    It opens a new way for artistic creation and urges a more comprehensive artistic form of expression .

  16. 对电脑美术设计的思考

    Consideration on Computer Arts

  17. 讨论布尔运算的并集、交集、差集运算原理在电脑美术设计中的应用。

    The theories of Boolean operations union , intersection and subtraction operation inthe com puter arts design are discussed .

  18. 电脑美术设计创作以电脑为辅助工具,使用数字化的语言和数字资料,为美术设计的快速发展提供了可能性。

    Computer art designing creation employs digital language and materials and provides great chance for the rapid progress in art designing .

  19. 通过电脑美术设计运用的研究有助于拓宽包装设计者的设计思路和制作手段。

    The researches of the computer arts design 's applications help the advancement of the packaging designer 's designing reason and doing means .

  20. 基于设计系电脑美术基础课程的教学现状&浅谈电脑美术的教学改革

    On the Basis of Designing the Teaching Current Situation of Basic Course of Fine Arts of the Department Computer & Discuss the Reform in Education of the Computer Fine

  21. 电脑美术设计专业是一门新兴的专业,在追求教学效益最大化的过程中,教学方法的探讨尤为重要。

    The specialty of computer-aided art design is newly born , and so in the process of pursuing the greatest effectiveness from teaching exploration of teaching method becomes very important .

  22. 现代化教育技术的广泛使用和电脑美术的迅速发展,为提高透视课的教学效果提供了一种新的可能。

    The wide use of modern education technology and the fast development of the computer art provide us with a possibility to improve the teaching effects of the perspective course .

  23. 电脑美术设计是21世纪的新兴专业,如何正确引导学生认识和学习电脑美术设计已成为设计教学中的首要任务。

    Computer art design is a sunrise special field in 21st century . It is a first task that how to rightly direct students to understand and learn this special field .

  24. 目前,较为传统的教学方法已经阻碍了电脑美术设计专业教学的良性发展,不利于学生综合素质和职业能力的培养。

    At present the traditional teaching method blocks to some extent the proper development of this specialty and does not benefit the cultivation of overall qualities and professional qualities of students .

  25. 电脑美术设计中常常会出现因为忽视电脑色彩模式而致打印、刷后的作品的色彩与设计者预想的效果大相径庭的情况,从而影响了原本设计理念的表达。

    There are situations that the color of the printed design works are far away from the original design idea because of ignoring the computer 's color model during computer artistic design .

  26. 工作室同时发起组织了首届高等美术院校电脑美术教学座谈会,为总结交流高校电脑美术教学的经验作出了努力。

    The Studio initiated and organized the First Symposium on Computer Art Teaching in Art Academies , in which the experiences in computer art education in art academies are exchanged and summarized .

  27. 通过对科学与艺术的关系及科学对艺术创新所产生的作用的思考,就如何搞好电脑美术设计教学作了探讨。

    It discusses how to do well in the teaching of computer art design through reflections on the relationship between science and art and the effects of science on art innovation as well .

  28. 通过对传统美术和电脑美术教学的比较,可以看出:电脑美术是不用纸笔,不用颜料,直接在电脑上学习和研究的一门新学科。

    Through the comparison between traditional art and computerized art , we have realized new subject in which one can directly study art on a computer without using paper , color and brushes .

  29. 分析了美术基础在电脑美术设计中的基础地位,对当前存在的重电脑操作能力,轻美术基础的现象提出了自己的观点供专家、同仁参考。

    In the light of the situation that computer technology has been put in the first place while art basis in the second one , this paper has analyzed the art basis ' importance and proposed some views for the references of the professionals .

  30. 我们也有电脑、美术、音乐、科学和品德课。

    We have other subjects like computer , art , music , science and moral education too .