
  • 网络Nanjing city;NANKING CITY
  1. 论明代南京城

    A Study on Nanjing City in Ming Dynasty

  2. 南京城和香港堪称携手多年的老友,是合作共赢的伙伴,是优势互补的拍档。

    Nanjing City and Hong Kong is a good friend of many years , the partnership is win-win cooperation is complementary partners .

  3. 明初南京城规划

    The City Planning of Nanjing in Early Period of Ming Dynasty

  4. 南京城1/3的住宅毁于战火。

    And one third of the houses in the city were burned down .

  5. 三天后,他们就兵临国都南京城下。

    Within three days , they were at the walls of the capital of the republic .

  6. 南京城&2005年南京大学建筑研究所访问艺术家作品展

    NAN JING CHENG An Exhibition from Visiting Artists at the Graduate School of Architecture , Nanjing University , 2005

  7. 忍无可忍的他加入了起义军,从而逐步成为了军队的首领并占领了南京城。

    Reaching his breaking point , he joined the rebel army and quickly worked his way up to become their leader and captured the city of Nanjing .

  8. 法国爵士乐缓缓地配合着,让你暂时脱离南京城的喧嚣,融入到法国咖啡馆宁静的浪漫中。

    French jazz plays softly in the background , allowing you to temporarily escape the hustle of Nanjing and relocate to the romantic calm of a French cafe .

  9. 贝尔饰演的殡葬师约翰米勒穿梭在遭受炮火轰炸满目疮痍的南京城,去一家天主教堂出席一位牧师的葬礼。

    Making his way through the bombed-out rubble of Nanjing , American mortician John Miller ( Bale ) arrives at a cathedral to attend to a recently deceased priest .

  10. 具体来看,首先通过文献记载和图纸资料将明朝南京城的结构和形式还原出来,然后与现存的遗址景观对位,阐述这些遗址景观的历史地位和意义。

    Specifically , the first information through literature and drawings to the Ming Dynasty in Nanjing city to restore the structure and form out , then the site with the existing landscape of the place , described the historical status of these sites and the significance of the landscape .

  11. 应对沪宁高速公路扩建&南京入城道路交通疏解规划研究

    To Cope with the Extension of Shanghai-Nanjing Express Way

  12. 南京明城墙砖铭文三题

    Three Problems on the Brick Inscription of the Ming City Wall in Nanjing

  13. 南京东护城河鱼类死亡原因分析与对策探讨

    On the cause of death of fish in the east city moat of Nanjing and Countermeasures

  14. 南京南车浦镇城轨车辆有限公司周日宣布,该公司与孟买市签署了一份100万美元18个月内制造108辆机车的合同。

    The Nanjing SR Puzhen Rail Transport Co announced Sunday that it had signed a US100-million dollar contract with Mumbai city to produce up to108 carriages for18 trains .

  15. 南京市建设航空城的可能性和必要性

    On Possibility and Necessity of Constructing Aeronautic City in Nanjing

  16. 南京古称石头城。

    The " stone city " was an ancient name for nanking .

  17. 并通过第四章的案例&南京市水游城的人性化设计因素分析,从而找到解决问题的方法,提出购物中心人性化的设计建议。

    Then in the fourth chapter of the case & Analysis of human centered design of NanJing Aqua City , find a solution to the problem , Summarized shopping ergonomic design principles , strategies and programs .

  18. 你是南京人吗?南京城很美丽啊。

    You are from Nanjing , isn 't it ? Nanjing city is very beautiful .

  19. 文章介绍了南京大学建筑研究所一个主题为南京城的艺术家访问及展览计划的情况。

    This article introduces an exhibition and artists visiting plan with the topic of " Nanjing City " sponsered by Architectural Research Institute of Nanjing University .

  20. 沪宁高速公路的扩建给南京带来了前所未有的再发展机遇,但也给南京的入城城市道路交通疏解带来了巨大的压力。

    The extension provides Nanjing an unprecedently development opportunity , and great pressure to the transport leading of the entrance urban roads .