
  1. 南宋官窑青瓷釉呈色机理研究

    Research on the Celadon Glaze Coloration Mechanism of Southern Song Guan Ware

  2. 同时,南宋官窑博物馆二期工程也在建设当中。

    Meanwhile , the second phase of Hangzhou Southern Song Guan Kiln Museum is also being constructed .

  3. 我馆在复制南宋官窑研究的同时,还致力于现代陶艺作品的创作。

    When we study the replicating of Southern Song Guan kiln , we also dedicate ourselves to the creation of modern porcelain products .

  4. 论中国古代礼器与祭器发展中艺术设计思想的转变祭器、礼器、邵局&关于南宋官窑的几个问题

    On the Transformation of Artistic Designing Ideas in Ancient Chinese Rite and Sacrifice Wares A Preliminary Discussion of the Questions Related to the Official Kilns of the Southern Song

  5. 博物馆一期主要展示南宋官窑出土的文物,二期则将展示整个中国陶瓷的发展历史。

    While the museum 's first phase mainly displays cultural relics unearthed from the Guan kilns of the Southern Song Dynasty , the second phase will showcase the whole history of China 's ceramic development .

  6. 南宋的官窑,被认为是在中国陶瓷工业历史上最高成就的代表。

    The Guan kiln , or official kiln of the Southern Song Dynasty , is believed to represent the highest achievement in the history of China 's ceramic industry .

  7. 南宋郊坛官窑陶瓷釉坯显微结构研究

    Study on Microstructure of Southern Song Altar Guan Ware

  8. 牙科修复粘结性材料南宋郊坛官窑与龙泉哥窑的陶瓷学基础研究

    Research on the fundamentals of ceramics of Southern Song altar Guan ware and Longquan Ge ware

  9. 这座城市建于南宋时期。同时,南宋官窑博物馆二期工程也在建设当中。

    The city was Built during the Southern Song period . Meanwhile , the second phase of Hangzhou Southern Song Guan Kiln Museum is also being constructed .