
  • 网络Nansen
  1. 我们近日再到访南生围视察,发现一月一日山火非常接近一片鸬鹚夜栖的林木。

    We have visited Nam Sang Wai again recently , the second fire on1st Jan is very close to a known roosting site for Great Cormorants .

  2. 南生围的美景不仅吸引雀鸟,近年不少市民,特别是摄影爱好者,皆会趁假日到来观鸟拍照。

    Nam Sang Wai beauty not only attract birds , in recent years , many people , especially photographers , are the arrival of bird would take advantage of holiday pictures .

  3. 除鸟类外,南生围内亦有不同种类的植物及生物,如赤桉树、芦苇、红头潜鸭、青头潜鸭及招潮蟹等等。

    In addition to bird , the Nam Sang Wai also different types of plants and organisms such as red eucalyptus , reed , red head diving duck , blue duck and fiddler crabs , and so the first potential .

  4. 浙西南速生工业原料林阔叶树种评价与选择研究

    Evaluation and Selection of Broad Leaved Tree Species for Fast-Growing Industrial Plantation in Southwest Zhejiang

  5. 为什么会邀请南条史生为展览策展人?

    Why inviting Fumio Nanjo as the curator for the exhibit ?

  6. 坝索&永和地区位于南盘江中生代早期坳陷的西部。

    Yonge-Basuo region is situated in the western part of the Mesoic Era early depression in Nangpan River valley .

  7. 应用遥感技术对吉林省南部内生金属矿产分布规律的探讨

    A preliminary study on the distributional regularity of endogenic metallic ore by using remote sensing in Southern Jilin Province

  8. 江汉盆地南部上古生界海相烃源岩生烃史与晚期生烃潜力

    Hydrocarbon Generation History and Late Hydrocarbon Generation Potential of Neopaleozoic Marine Source Rocks in the South of Jianghan Basin

  9. 江苏南部内生金属矿产资源丰富、品种较为齐全、区域分布特点明显。

    The endogenetic metallic ore deposits in South Jiangsu are characteristic of rich reserve , complete ore types and evident regional distribution .

  10. 本文在对其原理和方法进行介绍的同时,报道了应用该法对我国山西南部上古生界煤层镜质组反射率演化历史或煤化作用过程的数值模拟结果。

    The results of EASY % Ro numerical simulation about coal evolution history and coalification process of Upper Paleozoic in Southem Shanxi have been reported in this paper after introducing it 's theory .

  11. 以南大研究生及其导师的姓氏命名的科学成果就有“周一龚分步相变理论”、“吴孤子”理论等。

    Many attainments and findings from research projects have been named after the graduate students and their supervisors of Nanjing University , such as " Zhou-Gong : Distributing Mutual-Changes Theory " and " Wu : Solidarity Theory . "

  12. 鄂尔多斯盆地南部上古生界山西组&下石盒子组砂岩储层岩性致密,方解石的后期胶结作用是导致储层致密化的重要因素之一。

    The sand reservoir of the Shanxi Formation and lower Shihezi Formation of Upper Palaeozoic in the south of Ordos Basin belongs to tight reservoir . The calcite cementation is one of the key factors causing tight sand reservoir .

  13. 与花生单作系统相比,5龄南酸枣花生间作和9龄南酸枣花生间作系统地表径流量分别减少21%和6%,土壤侵蚀量分别减少11%和23%。

    Compared to what was in the peanut-only system , runoff was decreased by 21 % and 6 % , and soil erosion by 11 % and 23 % , respectively , in a 5-year-old and 9-year-old Choerospondias axillaris-peanut alley cropping systems .

  14. 陆地棉在广西南部可以宿生栽培。

    Upland cotton can be perennially cultivated in the south of Guangxi .

  15. 果园生草的理论与实践&以黄土高原南部苹果园生草实践为例

    The theory and practice of grass interplanting in orchards

  16. 佛罗里达和西印度群岛至中美洲和南美洲的陆生蕨类植物。

    Terrestrial ferns of Florida and West Indies to Central and South America .

  17. 洛杉矶的南加州大学留学生数量仍然是最多的。

    The University of Southern California in Los Angeles once again had the highest number of foreign students .

  18. 该树种可望成为辽南地区营造速生林和普通刺槐林更新改造的首选树种。

    Tetraploids locust is expected to become the first selection species in silviculture and regeneration in the south of Liaoning Province .

  19. 在一些分类系统中归入水龙骨科;分布在世界各地尤其是南半球的陆生蕨类;乌毛蕨。

    In some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae ; terrestrial ferns of cosmopolitan distribution mainly in southern hemisphere : hard ferns .

  20. 此外,我们看到冷高原可使南支气流产生小槽东移的现象。

    Besides , we find that a cooling modle plateau may give rise to minor troughs moving eastward on the southern branch current to the south of the plateau .