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  • Antarctica;Antarctic continent
  1. 形成了现在南极大陆北端的样子

    that forms the northern extremity of the Antarctic continent .

  2. 南极大陆沿海湖泊生态结构研究

    Study on ecological structures of coastal lakes in Antarctic continent

  3. 世界上最寒冷的地方是位于南极大陆高原地区的RidgeA,海拔超过8英里,平均气温为华氏零下94度。

    The world 's coldest place is Ridge A , an area on the Antarctic plateau . It stands over 8 miles high and averages minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit .

  4. 当然,冰雪覆盖的南极大陆由于极地周围凌冽的寒风以及其它一些气候因素使得它被严寒包裹,而且南极横贯山脉(TransantarcticMountains)以东的陆地甚至变得越来越冷。

    To be sure , the ice-sheathed continent is bathed in cold by fierce circumpolar winds and other climate factors and the lands east of the Transantarctic Mountains are getting even colder .

  5. 法国图卢兹乐高地理研究室的研究人员拉格鲁西说,撞击默茨冰川的冰山被称作B9B冰山,它在1987年从南极大陆脱落。

    The iceberg that hit the Mertz Glacier is called B9B and had broken free from another part of Antarctica in1987 .

  6. 在南极大陆上就容纳了全球百分之九十的冰雪。

    Antarctica holds 90 percent of all the world 's ice .

  7. 风筝拉雪橇穿越南极大陆。

    Cross the Antarctic on sledges pulled by large kites .

  8. 南极大陆东部戴维斯站地区海冰观测

    Sea Ice Observations and Measurements at Davis , East Antarctica

  9. 这一片广阔、空旷的冰景,现在被称作南极大陆(沙伦贝格雷)

    The vast and empty icescape now called Antarctica ( Sharon Begley )

  10. 冒险登上冰天雪地的南极大陆

    venture into the frigid interior of the Antarctic continent .

  11. 认为高岭石矿物来自南极大陆本土。

    It is known that the kaolinite came from the Antarctic Continent itself .

  12. 横跨南极大陆绵延近3200公里

    spanning 2000 miles from one side of the continent to the other .

  13. 南极大陆的山脉覆盖的面积与欧洲的阿尔卑斯山差不多。

    The Antarctic continent has mountain ranges similar in size to the European Alps .

  14. 我们一直寻找的城市就在南极大陆的冰层下面。

    The city we 've been looking for is under the ice at antarctica .

  15. 才可以到达南极大陆

    to reach the edge of the continent ,

  16. 到南极大陆,那里冰天雪地,无数企鹅在欢迎我。

    Arrive Antarctica , there snow and icebound , innumerable the penguin be welcome me .

  17. 这一漫长的历史时期,正是南极大陆冰盖逐渐形成之时。

    At the early stage the South Shetland Islands were connected with the Antarctic Peninsula .

  18. 海冰对南大洋和南极大陆气象、气候有重要的影响,在气候环境系统中起着重要的作用。

    Sea ice also affects the weather and climate at the South Ocean and Antarctic continent .

  19. 白垩纪晚期,南极大陆向南移动,并于中新世早期到达现在位置。

    In Late Cretaceous , Antarctica moved southwards and to the present position in Early Miocene .

  20. 南极大陆海岸周围

    Around the coast of Antarctica ,

  21. 塔斯马尼亚岛至南极大陆断面风场的变化及其与锋的关系

    Variations of wind and their relations with fronts in the section between Tasmania island and Antarctica

  22. 南极大陆冰缘环境变迁与沿海盐湖生态特征

    Ecology Features of coastal saline lakes related to environmental evolution in the area of Antarctic continental ice edge

  23. 我过去一直以为它们是南极大陆北端更温暖的地方的居民

    I always used to know them as residents of the slightly warmer islands north of the Antarctic .

  24. 就算是乘飞机来南极洲,也会是一个非常困难的想法,因为南极大陆上并没有铺设好的飞机跑道。

    Even coming by plane is a tough proposition because there are no paved runways on the continent .

  25. 目的对比研究南极大陆高空臭氧含量对全球平流层大气温度场的影响。

    Aim To compare and research effects of the ozone content above antarctic continent on the stratospheric temperature field .

  26. “无论是什么原因,它们确实一直在南极大陆上生活,”凯斯在一份声明中说。

    " For whatever reason , they were still hanging out on the Antarctic continent ," Case said in a statement .

  27. 秋天,所有到达育龄的企鹅们都会离开海洋向南极大陆腹地行进,直至他们的祖先孕育他们的地方。

    In autumn , all the penguins of breeding age leave the ocean to walk inland to their ancestral breeding grounds .

  28. 从那里出发,在经历了两天两夜的惊涛骇浪和昏天黑地的晕船后,终于,我站在了南极大陆上。

    From there on , enduring two days of stormy and seasick voyage , finally I stepped onto the land of Antarctica .

  29. 南极洲的居民,这些企鹅体验混合冲击来自全球变暖,依赖它们的位置在南极大陆。

    Inhabitants of Antarctica , these penguins are experiencing mixed impacts from global warming , depending on their location on the continent .

  30. 自从1985年首次发现南极大陆上空的臭氧损耗以来,人们采取了各种措施来减少臭氧层空洞。

    Various measures have been introduced to reduce the hole since ozone depletion over the Antarctic continent was first spotted in 1985 .