
  • 网络South Node
  1. 因此,南交点是个吸入型的点,吸入过去转世中产生的所有业力能量。

    Thus , the South Node becomes the suction point for all incoming Karmic energy from the past incarnations .

  2. 从另一方面来说,南交点行经冥王星时是一个更为严重的分离或解体的过程。

    On the other hand , the South Node transits to Pluto are more of a disassociation or disintegrating process .

  3. 同样的,当月球从北纬向南纬运行时产生的交点称为南交点。

    Similarly , when the Moon changes from northern latitudes to southern latitudes , that point becomes the Lunar South Node .

  4. 因此,在狮子座的南交点也具有同样的时间周期,我们可以说作为我们每一个个体将会有一些特殊的事物要进行分享。

    Therefore , with the South Node in Leo for the same period of time , we can say that each of us individually has something special ready to share .

  5. 作为个简单的原则,南交点代表前世,或者业力,在星盘中协同北交点形成交点轴线。

    As a simple rule , the South Node brings the past life , or Karmic , influence through the nodal axis which is utilized through the North Node in the chart .