
  • 网络biography-in-photo
  1. 请你把这些画传给每个人看一看好吗?

    Can you pass these pictures around for everyone to look at , please ?

  2. 世界历史名人画传-爱迪生

    Illustrated Biographies of World Historic Celebrities : Thomas Alva Edison

  3. 世界历史名人画传:达·芬奇

    Illustrated Biographies of World Historic Celebrities : Da Vinci

  4. 考其何时由何出版社出版,并考评随着印刷技术的发展《芥子园画传》所呈现出的各种趋势。

    The test when by what press , and evaluation with the development of the technology of printing the Chueh Tzu Yuan Hua Chuan show various trends .

  5. 第二部分着重分析《芥子园画传初集》的版本流传,对现有的十几种版本分为三个类型来进行考析。

    The second part will focus on analyzing the " Mustard Seed Garden Painting Set Chuan early " version of the spread of a dozen existing version to be divided into three types Dynasty .

  6. 通过对《芥子园画传》的分析,探讨中国古典园林中植物配置的方式及特点,以增进对中国古典园林植物配置的理解和认识。

    Based on analyzing the Painting Manual of the Mustard Seed Garden , this paper discusses emphatically on plant disposition and characters of the classical Chinese gardens so as to improve understanding about this problem .

  7. 第一部分分析《芥子园画传》成书的社会背景和文化渊源,通过对编纂过程和印制发行的追溯揭示本书获得成功的深层次原因。

    The first part of " Painting Manual of Mustard Seed Garden " focus on the social background and cultural origins , through the process of codification and printing of the retrospective issue of the success of this book reveals the deep-rooted reasons .

  8. 本选题将从中国版印技术的发展及风格谈起,对文人版画进行赏析,从而进一步分析《芥子园画传》在雕版印刷和中国古代绘画艺术方面的作用和影响。

    The topics from the Chinese version of Indian technology and style of talking , the appreciation of literary prints to further analysis , " Mustard Seed Garden of painting " in the ancient Chinese woodblock printing and painting on the role and impact .