
  1. 他们打破传统,毫不声张地结了婚。

    They broke with tradition and got married quietly .

  2. 他们很年轻时就结了婚。

    They married young .

  3. 他不再处处留情,一年前结了婚。

    He gave up playing the field and married a year ago .

  4. 他们在大学偶遇,最后结了婚。

    They had met by chance at university and finished up getting married

  5. 19岁的时候他同妻子贝丽尔结了婚。

    He got married to wife Beryl when he was 19

  6. 由于种种阴差阳错,我30岁时我们结了婚。

    We got married when I was 30 for all the wrong reasons .

  7. 这位一文不名的作家向范妮求爱成功,和她结了婚。

    The penniless author successfully wooed and married Fanny .

  8. 等孩子们结了婚又有了自己的小孩以后,他变得平和了一些。

    When the children married and had children of their own , he mellowed a little

  9. 我十八九岁时结了婚,那时被他的魅力所迷惑——可他的魅力很快就荡然无存。

    I married in my late teens and was taken in by his charm — which soon vanished

  10. 我在刚过去的7月里结了婚。

    I got married last July

  11. 在照搬自热门电影《绿卡》的情节中,比利为了留在这个国家和他的学生结了婚。

    In a rip-off of the hit movie Green Card , Billy marries one of his students so he can stay in the country .

  12. 你觉得他并没有入乡随俗,是吗?可能他和那里的人结了婚,认定回不了家了。

    You don 't think he 's gone native , do you ? Perhaps he has married out there and decided he can 't come home .

  13. 他违背父母的意愿与她结了婚。

    He married her against the will of his parents .

  14. 他和一个几乎比他大6岁的女人结了婚。

    He married a woman nearly six years his elder .

  15. 假设她结了婚,以后会怎样?

    Supposing that she changes her condition in life , what then ?

  16. 他跟一个&英国小姐结了婚,我是他婚礼的经办人之一。

    He married an English lady and I was one of the trustees .

  17. 保险公司努力说服结了婚的年轻男子为自己生病或死亡投保。

    Insurance companies try to persuade young married men to cover themselves against illness or death .

  18. 在早先如果有地位的男人同地位低下的女子结了婚,那他就要丢掉自己应得到的那份家产。

    In former times , if a gentleman married beneath himself , he would lose his share of the family fortune .

  19. 大学毕业获得商务和会计学位后,她加入了一个公共会计师事务所,结了婚,买了房子,家里放了很多东西,生了孩子。

    After graduating with a degree in business and accounting , she joined a public accounting firm , married , bought a house , put lots of stuff in it , and had a baby .

  20. 这次屏幕上显示:“你的体重依然是195磅,你依然是个结了婚的人。只是你刚刚错过飞往圣迭戈的飞机。”

    The computer read : " You still weigh 195 pounds , you 're still married , and you just missed your plane to San Diego ! "

  21. 可是她的女友说:“我认为结了婚,有一套两室一厅的住房,有卫生间、洗澡间和带煤气灶与热水的厨房,那会更加惬意得多。”

    But his girlfriend said , " I think it would be much more enjoyable to be married and to have a flat with two rooms and a toilet , a bath room , a kitchen with a gas stove and warm water . "

  22. 经过调查了92对谈恋爱的伴侣和77对结了婚的伴侣后,研究者得出来这一结论。该研究结果将要在今年夏天的《心理学科学》(PsychologicalScience)杂志上发表。

    This comes from a survey of92 dating couples and77 married couples , to be published this summer in the journal , Psychological Science .

  23. 1972年,我与第一任丈夫结了婚,我们之间有两个孩子&西蒙(Simon)和莎伦(Sharon)。

    I married my first husband in 1972 and we had two children , Simon and Sharon .

  24. 他改名为鲍勃克拉克(bobclarke),重新结了婚,在弗吉尼亚州当上了会计师。

    He had changed his name to Bob Clarke , remarried and was working as an accountant in Virginia .

  25. Wang在1979年出生在丹江口水库附近,年纪轻轻结了婚并有了两个小孩——一家人在青山绿水之中生活,并种植有许多庄稼。

    Wang was born near the Danjiangkou reservoirin 1979 , married young and had two children - the family lived between a smallstream and a leafy hillside , and grew a variety of grains .

  26. 但在六个月的时间里我结了婚,并且开始为Bibury系统公司工作。

    Within six months I was both married and working for Bibury Systems .

  27. 在事业发展的同时,他还和出身政治世家的玛利亚谢里弗结了婚,并在2003年成为加州州长。玛利亚谢里弗是美国前总统约翰F肯尼迪的外甥女。

    Along the way he also married into a political dynasty , wedding Maria Shriver , a niece of former president John F. Kennedy , before becoming California governor in 2003 , a post he relinquished in January .

  28. 近三分之一的人表示,他们与办公室恋人结了婚。另一个职业网站Vault发现,59%的受访者至少与同事约会过一次。

    Nearly a third say they married the person they dated at work . Another career website , Vault.com , found that 59 % of respondents had dated a colleague at least once during their career .

  29. 比如我是Ellen我是EllenDegeneres我是EllenDegeneres我跟PortiadeRossi结了婚我是TalorSwift我在和谁约会没有跟谁约会

    Like I 'm Ellen , I 'm Ellen Degeneres . I 'm Ellen Degeneres and married to Portia de Rossi . I 'm Taylor Swift , I am dating blank.Nobody .

  30. 沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett,财富榜排名第三)与头一任妻子结婚52年(尽管他很多时间与一名鸡尾酒女招待生活在一起,头任妻子去世后,他就和女招待结了婚)。

    Warren Buffett ( \# 3 ) remained married to his first wife for 52 years ( although for much of that time he was living with a cocktail waitress whom he married on his wife 's death ) .