
jié qīn
  • marry;get married;(of two families) become related by marriage
结亲 [jié qīn]
  • (1) [marry]∶结婚

  • (2) [(of two families) become related by marriage]∶两家因婚姻关系而成为亲戚

结亲[jié qīn]
  1. 他们家从布赖恩-博鲁小时候起就一直是中表结亲呀。

    And they 've been intermarrying since Brian Boru was a boy .

  2. 他说:“你和他结亲对于我们家来说是最好的。”

    It is what is best for our family , ' he says .

  3. 但是要同这个县的大户人家结亲却有两个难处。

    But there were two difficulties in the way of marriage into the county families .

  4. 可你就要跟她的家庭结亲了。

    You 're marrying into her family .

  5. 其实,这倒是预防他们之间结亲的唯一稳妥的办法。

    It is , in fact , the only sure way of providing against the connexion .

  6. 难道你想和一个即将有离婚诉讼丑闻的家庭结亲吗?

    Do you want to marry into a family with a scandalous divorce-suit hanging over it ?

  7. 我们岂可再违背你的命令,与这行可憎之事的民结亲呢。

    Should we again break thy commandments , and join in affinity with the people of these abominations ?

  8. 约沙法大有尊荣资财,就与亚哈结亲。

    Now Jehoshaphat had great wealth and honour , and his son was married to ahab 's daughter .

  9. 你们与我们彼此结亲。你们可以把女儿给我们,也可以娶我们的女儿。

    And make ye marriages with us , and give your daughters unto us , and take our daughters unto you .

  10. 不可与他们结亲。不可将你的女儿嫁他们的儿子,也不可叫你的儿子娶他们的女儿。

    Do not take wives or husbands from among them ; do not give your daughters to their sons , or take their daughters for your sons .

  11. 《北齐书》中记载了高欢与蠕蠕公主结婚的史实,但未记载儿子高湛与小蠕蠕公主结亲之事。

    " Northern Qi Shu " recorded in a high-Huan and squirming on the historical facts of the princess to marry , but did not record high-Cham and small son squirming things married Princess Margaret .

  12. 如果双方在结亲前有人看到了个瞎子,出家人,或一个孕妇,这场婚礼注定因为这些而被认为有不好的兆头。

    If anyone from the two families saw a blind man , a monk , or a pregnant woman before the proposal , the wedding would be doomedsince these were all believed to be bad omens .

  13. 我们岂可再违背你的命令,与这行可憎之事的民结亲呢?若这样行,你岂不向我们发怒,将我们灭绝,以致没有一个剩下逃脱的人吗?

    Are we again to go against your orders , taking wives from among the people who do these disgusting things ? Would you not be angry with us till our destruction was complete , till there was not one who got away safe ?