
  • 网络Heterogeneous Market
  1. 论文分析了基于元胞自动机的异质金融市场模型的随机性的来源、均值回归特性、金融泡沫的产生和破裂、模型的平稳性、模型与Ornstein-Uhlenbeck之间的关系、模型与GARCH模型族之间的关系。

    The author analyzes the randomness sources , mean-reverting property , bubble happen and bust , and stationary of this model . The author analyzes the relationships between cellular automata based heterogeneous financial market model and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model and GARCH models .

  2. 异质产品市场竞争战略的博弈分析

    COMPETITION Game Analysis on Market Competitive Strategy for Inhomogenous Products

  3. 异质化市场下品牌忠诚度研究

    Brand Loyalty Research in Heterogeneous Circumstances

  4. 受历史、法律和税收框架强烈影响而形成的、异质的市场惯例严重阻碍了泛欧抵押货币市场的发展。

    The development of pan-European secured money markets is frustrated by heterogeneous market practices grown out of different history , law and fiscal framework .

  5. 假设不存在模仿的可能性,发现在古诺异质产品市场中,两部制许可方式和单一的提成许可方式都有可能成为最优的许可权策略。

    Suppose there is no imitation , license contract with two-part tariff or pure royalty per unit may be the optimal licensing strategy in product-differentiated Cournot Duopoly .

  6. 异质金融市场模型模拟得到的市场价格变化可以解释许多经典金融理论不能解释的现象,例如收益率的厚尾特性、金融泡沫的产生和破裂等等。

    The simulation of heterogeneous financial market model can explain many phenomenons which can not be explained by the classical theory , such as the fat-tail of return and the bubble happen and bust .

  7. 企业异质性、市场进入成本、技术溢出效应与出口参与决定

    Firm Heterogeneity , Sunk Costs , Spillovers and Export Participation

  8. 本文依据“保留工资”高低将民工分成若干个类别,从而构建了一个基于民工异质的民工市场模型。

    This paper classifies peasant workers in the light of reservation wage , thereby develops a model of the market for peasant workers according to the heterogeneity of peasant workers .

  9. 异质产品Cournot寡头市场企业最优技术许可策略分析

    Analysis of Optimal Licensing Strategies in a Differentiated Cournot Oligopoly

  10. 基于异质信念的股票市场均衡研究及我国股市的实证检验

    Stock Market Equilibrium with Heterogeneous Beliefs and Evidence from China Stock Markets