- 网络heteroscedasticity;Heteroskedasticity

The paper draws the main conclusions as follows : Chinese business cycle is characterized with conditional heteroskedasticity , continuity and non-symmetry ;
Simple Weighted Least Squares on Dealing with Heteroscedasticity and its SAS Programme
Score Tests of Heteroscedasticity in Nonlinear Regression Models with Random Coefficients
The likelihood ratio test and Score test are proposed to test the autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity of the ARMA ( 1,1 ) sequence random errors in nonlinear regression models .
The result shows that there is serious volatility on return rate of the stock market , and GARCH ( 1,1 ) model performs very well .
The LLLS method has heteroscedasticity and it does not satisfy the basic hypothesis of standard linear regression .
Through adopting the GLS method to estimate the provincial panel data from 1997 to 2009 , such defects as heteroscedasticity , serial correlation and cross-section correlation can be solved .
In the analysis of financial time series , the GARCH Model is suitable for depicting the conditional heteroscedasticity of financial time series and the threshold model ( threshold autoregressive or threshold ARMA model ) is able to quite accurately describe the non-linear rules of series .
However , given the non-normality of financial time series , the fat tail characteristics , the index volatility of conditional heteroscedasticity , will affect the empirical test results , this paper uses the GARCH ( 1,1 ) model to simulate the volatility of the stock market .
Considering the time variation , heteroscedasticity and tail characters of market risk and liquidity risk , GARCHEVTmethod is used for the modeling of these properties .
Lasso regression is not strict requirements for multi-collinearity , heteroscedasticity .
Test of Heteroscedasticity in Regression Models and Its Influence Analysis
Tests of Autocorrelation and Heteroscedasticity of the Random Errors in Nonlinear Regression Models
It is of considerable interest in testing for heteroscedasticity in many practical studies .
The serial data of the return in Shanghai stock market have obvious heteroscedasticity phenomena ;
When the model is heteroscedastic , we can face with the same problems as serial correlation .
The results showed that the daily yield of China 's stock market had obvious heteroscedasticity , volatility , aggregation , sustainability and leverage effect .
Presented spatial nonstationarity test methods on spatial panel econometric model with spatial heteroscedasticity , and the corresponding implementation steps , the corresponding criterion . 5 .
In this paper , the method of testing model heteroscedasticity for volume equations by testing rank correlation coeffients between absolute residuals and independent variables is presented .
Its basic statistical analysis shows that , like most financial time series , we selected sample data is fat-tailed and the fluctuations is clustered , which shows the heteroscedasticity .
But with the existence of heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation of unknown form , estimating asymptotic variance consistently can be pretty complicated due to the bandwidth selection and the nuisance parameter estimation .
Especially , when we consider conditional heteroscedasticity during the hedging simulation , we use the method of EWMA which represent the volatility smile and is often used in calculating the VAR.
Taking weighting regression estimation method as the core , the heteroscedasticity of the general models used in forestry was discussed , and an optimal weight function was presented that could completely eliminate the unequal variance .
Estimating the parameters of the volume equations of heteroscedastic model by the method of weighted least squares effectively corrects the non-homogeneity of the volume variance and greatly raises the accuracy of the applicability of volume equations .