
  • 网络organon;instrumentalism;Organum
  1. 作者通过解读《物理学》、《工具论》、《形而上学》等著作,梳理出亚里士多德的科学划界观。

    Aristotle 's thoughts about the demarcation has been found in this paper according to the writer 's reading Physics , Organon and Metaphysics .

  2. 技术工具论的表现形式及悖论分析

    Analysis on Representation and Paradox of Instrumentalism of Technology

  3. 外语教育工具论的危害及其对策

    The Instrument Theory and Its Harm to Foreign Language Education

  4. 神:语言构筑的世界&再论语言非工具论

    Deity A Language Constructed World with comments on the non-instrumentalism of language

  5. 体育工具论价值取向的成因及其否定

    Cause of Formation to Gym " Facility Argumentation " Value Orientation and it 's Negation

  6. 法律工具论的历史之根

    The historical reason of law instrumentalism

  7. 检讨工具论在外语教学上的误用

    The Reflections on the View of Language as a Tool in Foreign Language Teaching & Learning

  8. 这一观点实质上是技术工具论批判的又一新的进展。

    This account , in essence , marks a new stage on critique of instrumental technology .

  9. 徘徊于纯粹论与工具论之间&郭沫若早期文艺思想探因

    Fluctuating between Aestheticism and Utilitarianism : To Explore the Reasons for Guo Mo-ruo 's early Literary Thoughts

  10. 试谈钺的用途&驳生产工具论

    On uses of " yue " & Refuting the statement " yue " is tool of production

  11. 文章从工具论出发,就如何看待关于修辞原则的不同表述阐述了个人看法。

    The article focused on how to treat different interpretations of the rhetoric principles from an instrumental position .

  12. 亚里士多德关于谬误的理论主要载于《工具论》的《辩谬篇》和《前分析篇》中,另外在《修辞学》一书中也有阐述。

    This paper investigates Aristotle 's theory of fallacy systematically and analyses the logical argumentation of his fallacy .

  13. 日本著名语言学家时枝诚记提出的语言过程说,是一种不同于语言工具论的语言观。

    Tokieda Motoki , a famous Japanese linguist , advanced a new theory that language is a process .

  14. 从工具论到本体论&论汪曾祺对现代汉语小说语言观的贡献

    From Instrumentalism to Ontology

  15. 语言过程说&一种不同于语言工具论的语言观

    The View of Language as a Process & As Opposed to the View of Language as a Tool

  16. 20世纪80年代的当代文学教育在工具论和教化情结的挤压下,进行的比较缓慢。

    Contemporary literature in the 1980s developed slowly in the extrusion of the " tool " and " enlightenment " education .

  17. 道德目的论与道德工具论是两种关于道德性质、功能、作用等的伦理学说和道德价值理论。

    Ethical teleology and ethical instrumentalism are two doctrines which study the nature , functions and roles of morality and moral values .

  18. 典型的语言观有两种:一种是工具论;一种是本体论。

    There are two typical kinds of language view : one is the tool theory ; the other one is the ontology .

  19. 从语言工具论到语言建构论&对语言功能的再认识

    From " the View of Language Tool " to " the View of Language Construction ": the Understanding to the Function of Language

  20. 在知识/教育领域内,存在着认识论和工具论两种不同的知识/教育传统。

    In the field of knowledge / education , there is a kind of knowledge / educational tradition of knowledge view and instrumental view .

  21. 新道德应当超越道德目的论与道德工具论的对立,实现道德目的与道德手段的辩证统一。

    New ethics should go beyond the opposition between the two doctrines , and achieve the dialectical unity of moral objective and moral means .

  22. 因而,建立在语言工具论的基础之上的认为语文教学工作的本质属性是工具性的观点,以及片面强调语文教学工作工具性的观点,也就不能不从根本上受到怀疑。

    It is defective ; therefore the argument about instrumentalism of Chinese teaching work based on the instrumentalism of tongue would be doubted on fundament .

  23. 课改看似是在本体论与工具论两种不同的教育价值观间作钟摆,而实质上是一种螺旋式的上升。

    Curriculum Reform seems to be a pendulum between ontology and instrumentalism these two different education values , while it is in fact a spira-up .

  24. 60年代初,语文工具论成为中学语文教育发展的主导理论。

    In the early 60s ' language and literature using as a tool became the guiding theory in the development of education in middle schools .

  25. 但在中国,相当长一段时间内,居于主流的仍然是传统的语言工具论。

    In contrast , for most of the time in the 20th century the traditional instrumental theory of language has been the mainstream theory in China .

  26. 以语文教学为例,人文知识往往以工具论与泛人文论两种理念表现在教学之中。

    Take Chinese-language teaching as an example , humanities knowledge exists in two kinds of state : " tool theory " and " pan - humanities theory " .

  27. 运动初期,新青年同人对白话的认识还仅仅停留在语言工具论水平。

    In sport initial stage , " new young man " still only remains and talks about competence with people 's understanding of vernacular in the language tool .

  28. 大学外语工具论现象及其对策等值理论再阐释与文学翻译

    The Incorrect Notion of Considering A Foreign Language as a tool and Its Counter-measures in University A Reinterpretation of the Notion of Equivalence and its Value in Literary Translation

  29. 语文知能观的提出,标志着以生活为本位的现代语文工具论理论体系的形成,为中国现当代基础语文教育系统改革和整个教学体系设计与建设提供了理论依据。

    This also provides the theoretical basis for the reform of modern elementary language education system in China and for the designing and instruction of the whole teaching system .

  30. 第一章分析王国维将西方美学中的艺术现代性追求引入中国,与传统诗学观念的工具论信念发生冲突,从而开启了一个现代审美意识的自觉时代;

    The first chapter analyses Wang Guowei 's introduction of art modernity to China , which conflicted with classical poetics , thus began a new era of modern aesthetic consciousness .