
ɡōnɡ zuò jiǎ shuō
  • working hypothesis
  1. 科学工作假说(WorkingHypothesis)是科学创新的基础

    A working hypothesis is basic to scientific innovation

  2. 也就是说,通过此研究初步验证我们所提出的HIV感染肠道免疫系统过度活化论工作假说。

    In other words , we prove our working hypothesis related to immune hyper-activation within intestinal mucose during HIV infection by the studies .

  3. 风驱生物礁相模式&一种新的工作假说

    Wind-driven model of reef facies & a new working hypothesis

  4. 凯写道:(美国商业模式)仍然是大多数商界人士和顾问的工作假说。

    [ The ABM ] remains the working hypothesis of most business people and consultants , Mr Kay writes .

  5. 在此过程中科学工作假说的不断出现,是促进其生长的动力。这实际上不是假日,可以说是工作间歇吧。

    The appearance of working hypothesis provided the impetus for these changes . It wasn 't actually a holiday , more a working break , if you like .

  6. 在大科学、大发现的发现科学时代,人们在科研基金和论文评审中,将面临如何应对没有明确工作假说但却非常富于创新和高度风险的标书和论文的新情况。

    People would be facing a novel situation of how to evaluate the quality of scientific grant and article when they are written without clear hypothesis but rich in creativity and risk in the epoch of discovery science characterized by great science and great discovery .