
ɡōnɡ zuò shuō mínɡ
  • job description
  1. CraigKnighton的《我的工作说明不包括这些》一文中讨论了团队应该如何向敏捷转变,他在其中写道

    Craig Knighton writes in Not In My Job Description when discussing a how teams should transition to Agile

  2. 感谢您寄来的有关人事助理一职的工作说明。

    E.g. Thank you for sending me the Job Description for the post of Assistant Personnel Officer .

  3. 她简历上的那一长串工作说明她没长性。

    The long list of jobs on her CV suggests a lack of stickability .

  4. 研究工作说明了采用UML建模得到面向对象的模块并根据面向对象协议模型进行组装的可行性。

    It was proved that it is feasible to set up object-oriented models using UML and assemble them using object-oriented protocol .

  5. 计算工作说明,由计算得到的CCT曲线(珠光体转变开始线)和实测结果吻合良好。

    The main results are as follows : The calculated CCT diagrams are in good agreement with the observed ones .

  6. 公司主管在一天开始、在聊天软件微信中分配工作说明时,就会用一些Emoji表情。

    Supervisors start the day with them as they issue instructions on social messaging app WeChat .

  7. 有效的解决了密钥托管问题,并且提供了对节点最终的私钥保护,同时还有效的克服了不诚实的D-KGCs节点的合谋获取节点私钥的缺陷,该工作说明所提方案具有实践指导意义。

    It effectively eliminates the key escrow problem and provides protection for the final private key . It also overcomes the disadvantage of the dishonest D-KGCs conspire to get private key . This work means our scheme has practical significance .

  8. 确定和解释工作说明的各个部分。

    Identify and explain the various sections of job descriptions .

  9. 介绍了该继电器的结构、功能、工作说明和实用效果。

    The structure , function and operating mechanism of the relay are described .

  10. 他的工作说明了他的技术。

    His work is evidence of his skill .

  11. 人力资源计划,工作说明,招聘。

    Manpower plan , JD 's , Recruitment .

  12. 工作说明:1.有项目管理及咨询的经验。

    Have experience of project management and consultation .

  13. 将用户角色投入工作说明如何构建和管理解决方案。

    Put the user roles to work explains how the solution is built and managed .

  14. 填写前,请先细阅附录丙所列的职称与工作说明。

    Before completing , please read carefully the job titles and job descriptions in Appendix C.

  15. 综合工作说明的内容和作用

    Content and Role of IWS

  16. 可以输入详细的工作说明,以及此订单所需的维修配件清单。

    Detailed work instructions can be entered as well as inclusion of the maintenance parts required on this order .

  17. 通过控制器、参数检测、通讯管理机的工作说明系统的工作原理。

    The working principle of the system is described through the introduction of the controller , parameter detection and communication management computer .

  18. 汪莱的工作说明,18世纪末期中国已经具备球面三角的系统知识。

    Wang 's work shows that China was already in possession of systematic knowledge of spherical triangle in the late 18 th century .

  19. 你的工作说明就是去做那些心智健全、大脑清楚的人绝对不想做的事情。

    Your job description is to do everything that a sane , reasonable human being has decided that they don 't want to do .

  20. 调整资源列表时,可为每个工作说明输入特定名称,并将工作重新分配给将执行该工作的实际个人。

    As you refine your resource list , you can enter specific names for each job description and reassign the work to the actual individuals who will do it .

  21. 所有内容都来自于工作说明,我们得到特性列表和用例图,分解问题,然后选择一个用例开始迭代。

    All from a statement of work , we can derive the feature list and use case diagrams , break up the problem , and then pick a use case to start to iterate .

  22. 在target元素内,我将把target的名称设置为build,并且创建有关该target将做哪些工作的说明。

    Inside the target element , I am going to set the name of the target to build and create a description of what this target will do .

  23. 通过工作实例说明了磁偶源法应用范围和应用条件,同时可初步总结出FEM的优缺点。

    Third the application scale and condition of the FEM with the practice work and the virtue and disadvantage of FEM is put forward .

  24. 对WSDL文件的各个组成部分及它们如何一起工作的说明超出了本文的讨论范围。

    An explanation of the parts of a WSDL file and how they fit together is outside the scope of this article .

  25. 结合工作经历说明危害识别与风险评价工作是企业安全管理乃至整个HSE管理体系的基础。

    Identification of harm and hazard evaluation is basis of safety management , especially , HSEmanagement system in an enterprise .

  26. 在这部分里,重点研究了一种软开关BUCK变换器,通过分析各阶段的工作原理说明了开关器件如何工作在软开关状态;

    In this part , operation principle of a kind of soft switching Buck chopper is presented mainly and the conclusion that the power semiconductor devices operate in soft switching is also illustrated by analysing the operation principle of all stages ;

  27. “工作性质说明”这一栏阐述该岗位的职责。

    JOB DESCRIPTION tells the duties attached to this post .

  28. 本文就利用故障录波数据对所建的负荷模型校核的工作进行说明。

    This paper explains how to verify load model using fault recording data .

  29. 工作也说明有希望。

    It was a statement of hope .

  30. 事实上,一些工作岗位说明上明确要求应聘者具有良好的酒量。

    In fact , some job adverts explicitly demand applicants who can hold their alcohol .