
jī fū zhī qīn
  • skinship;intimate relations between man and woman
  1. 他认识她,但未有过肌肤之亲。

    He had known her ─ but not in the biblical sense .

  2. 她仍旧渴望拥有婚姻中逝去的那份缱绻和肌肤之亲。

    She still ached for the lost intimacy and sexual contact of marriage

  3. 伸出手,感受一下那肌肤之亲,到是她真的来了。

    To reach out and feel it jifuzhiqin , she has really come .

  4. 没有男人值得你流泪,除了你那从来没有肌肤之亲的男朋友。

    No man is worth your tears , but the one who is your boyfriend and had never touched you .

  5. 鼓励母乳喂养:让新生儿与母亲充分享受肌肤之亲,而不是充斥婴儿奶粉配方和奶嘴的广告。

    Encourage breastfeeding include putting the newborn skin-to-skin with the mother right after birth , and not offering infant formula or pacifiers .

  6. 他后来又尝试了篮球,但作为一个发育晚的人,他不喜欢那种赤膊上阵有“肌肤之亲”的对抗运动。

    He then tried basketball , but as a late-developer did not like playing in the " skins " team , without shirts .

  7. 恋爱没有肌肤之亲,让我们都找到一个女孩吧,比我大两三岁或小两三岁都可以。

    Love has no physical entity . Still let 's take a girl , my age girl . 2-3 years above and down difference is ok .

  8. 研究工作也再度表明,一些简单的方式,例如与母亲的肌肤之亲,即所谓的“袋鼠式”母亲护理法,可以拯救早产儿生命。

    Once again , research has demonstrated that something as simple as skin-to-skin contact with mothers – so-called " kangaroo " mother care – can save the lives of pre-term babies .

  9. 爱之于我,不是肌肤之亲,不是蔬饭,它是种不死旳欲望,是颓败生活中旳英雄梦想。

    To me , love which isn 't just kissing and touching or eating for survive , is the desire not to die and a kind of heroic dream in the exhausted life .