
  • 网络Muscular endurance;muscle endurance
  1. 到目前为止,未检索到有关静力性肌肉耐力训练对飞行学员耐力影响的报道。

    So far , no access to the static muscular endurance training on the flight reported that the effects of endurance training .

  2. 而运动训练与银杏叶提取物协同作用可显著提高小鼠的运动能力,尤其是肌肉耐力和心肺耐力;

    The synergic effect of athletic training and administration of gingko leaf extract can remarkably enhance rats ' athletic capability , particularly muscular endurance and cardiopulmonary endurance .

  3. 静力性肌肉耐力训练对飞行学员耐力影响

    The Impact of Static Muscle Endurance Training on Student Pilots

  4. 肌肉耐力测试结果显示女生的肌肉耐力适能也低于男生。

    Muscle endurance test results show that female fitness muscle endurance is also lower than boys .

  5. 雷达自动架设与撤收技术我国竞技体操落地稳定性的现状与应重视的问题&析肌肉耐力对落地稳定性的影响

    RDAR AUTO SET-UP & DISMOUNT TECHNOLOGY The Current Situation and Some Problems in the Dismount Stability of the Chinese Competitive Gymnastics

  6. 从这个讨论中,显然任何想在最高级别比赛上竞争的车手都必须强化自己的肌肉耐力。

    From this discussion , it should be evident that any rider who wants to compete at the highest levels must fully hone his or her anaerobic endurance .

  7. 基于上述考虑,本研究旨在探究对飞行学员进行静力性肌肉耐力训练对其耐力的影响,试图通过实验应用研究来填补这项空白。

    Based on the above considerations , this study was to explore the participants on the flight to static muscle endurance training of the impact of their endurance , try to test the application to fill the gaps in research .

  8. 作为一项有氧运动,它具有所有有氧运动的健身功能,如全面提高身体素质、提高心肺功能和肌肉耐力,促进肌体各组织器官的协调运作,使人体达到最佳机能状态。

    As a aerobic exercise , it has all the aerobic fitness campaign functions , such as improved overall physiques , improve cardio and muscular endurance , body for the coordination organs of the organizations operate to achieve the best possible function of the human body .

  9. 目的探讨低水平摄入麻痹性贝毒(ParalyticShellfishPoisoning,PSP)对大鼠学习记忆能力、肌肉运动耐力的影响。

    Objective Through the investigations of the paralytic shellfish poisoning ( PSP ) on ability of learning and memory and motor activity in rats to gain more information on toxicity of PSP .

  10. 并对腹部肌肉的耐力有着良好的锻炼效果。

    The abdominal muscle endurance has a good exercising effect .

  11. 麻痹性贝毒对学习记忆及肌肉运动耐力影响

    Effects of PSP in low level from shellfish on ability of learning and memory and motor activity

  12. 有时,运动员在备战比赛的过程中要遵守精确而科学的饮食法,包括严格的膳食结构来增长肌肉和加强耐力。

    Sometimes , the preparation involves precise and scientific regimens , including strict diets to build muscles and enhance endurance .

  13. 人体缺乏维生素B1会感到乏力,缺乏维生素B2会感到肌肉运动无力,耐力下降,也容易产生疲劳。

    Lacking vitamin B1 will bring feeling of exhaustion , lacking B2 will bring weakness to muscles , reduced endurance , and submission to fatigue .

  14. 目的:了解低氧及耐力练习对骨骼肌氧化酶、糖酵解酶和肌球蛋白Ca-ATPase的影响,从而间接判断低氧及耐力训练条件下肌肉收缩速度及耐力等特性的改变。

    The objective of this study was to investigate the change in oxidative enzyme , glucolytic enzyme and myosin ATPase activity in the condition of endurance exercise and hypoxia , from which we can determine the change in contract velocity and resistance .

  15. 我们会评估五项指标:肌肉强度、肌肉耐力、心血管耐力、灵活与平衡性,以及体态。

    We evaluate five things : muscular strength , muscular endurance , cardiovascular endurance , flexibility and balance , and body composition .

  16. 健康体适能研究范围与要求的内容,主要包含了人体的心肺适应能力、肌肉力量、肌肉耐力、柔软度及身体成份四项。

    Health Fitness requirements of specific content , basically contains cardiorespiratory fitness , muscular strength and muscular endurance , flexibility and body composition of four .

  17. 所以在平时的身体素质训练中,更应该注重网球运动员心肺耐力训练和全身肌肉爆发力、肌肉耐力的训练。

    So in the usual physical quality training , should notice more tennis player and cardiopulmonary function training muscles strength , muscular endurance training . 4 .

  18. 结论:参附注射液能延缓中枢、神经-肌接头和肌肉的疲劳,增强肌肉的耐力。

    Conclusion : The Shenfu injection could apparently resist the fatigue in nerve center , neuromuscular junction and muscle .

  19. 结果:2ml/kg和4ml/kg剂量的参附注射液能延缓中枢、神经&肌接头和肌肉的疲劳,增强肌肉的耐力,4ml/kg剂量比2ml/kg剂量的作用更强。

    Results : The 2ml / kg and 4ml / kg dose of Shenfu injection could delay the time of fatigue in nerve center , neuromuscular junction and muscle . However the dose of 4ml / kg is found stronger than that of 2ml / kg .

  20. 骨骼肌肉机能状况包括肌肉力量、肌肉耐力、肌肉爆发力以及柔韧性。

    Musculoskeletal fitness includes muscular strength , muscular endurance , muscular power , and flexibility .

  21. 女生肌肉的作功功率不及男生,但是肌肉耐力与男生没有差别;

    Female students show a lower muscle power than male students , but no difference in muscle endurance .

  22. 超量消耗。这个方法可使你的肌肉利用氧气的效率提升,因此肌肉的耐力与力量都会增加。

    Burn out is beneficial in that it can aid in overall muscular endurance and strength by making your muscles more efficient at using available oxygen .

  23. 研究目的在于探讨不同强度等长运动诱发肌肉疲劳过程中sEMG非线性信号变化特征及其与肌肉运动耐力的关系。

    This study was particularly designed to evaluate the relation between character of sEMG signal and muscle exercise endurance at different intensity during exhaustive isometric muscle contraction .

  24. 通过对攀岩运动员的上肢主要做功肌肉左右腕屈肌、左右腕伸肌的表面肌电信号(sEMG)进行分析,探讨不同负荷的运动诱发肌肉疲劳过程中sEMG信号变化特征及其与肌肉耐力运动的关系。

    To analyze the surface electromyography ( sEMG ) signal of working upper-limb muscle of rock climbing athletes , the paper discusses the different peculiarity of surface electromyography during different training load making fatigue of muscle , and discusses the relations on the peculiarity and the endurance training of muscle .