
  1. 但他并没有来错地方,因为他的第二志愿满足了,他得到了国王学院的奖学金。

    But his greater confidence was not entirely misplaced , for he was elected to a scholarship at the college of his second choice , King 's.

  2. 对于一个能把抽象的关系和符号,看成有形的日常对象的人来说,赢得国王学院的奖学金就像弹琴或修车——看起来很聪明,令人愉快,但别无其它。

    For a person with a mathematical mind , an ability to deal with very abstract relations and symbols as though with tangible everyday objects , a King 's scholarship was a demonstration like sight-reading a sonata or repairing a car - clever and satisfying , but no more .

  3. 他获得了国王学院的研究奖学金,每年200英镑,而且他可以留下来争取研究员职位,这是他的孜孜以求的梦想,而现在他比1932年更有信心了。

    But it did mean the award by King 's of a research studentship at £ 200 per annum , and this enabled him to stay on to try for a fellowship - a serious ambition of which he could now feel more confident than he had in 1932 .