
jī ɡuǎn
  • myotube;sarcotubule
  1. 而Ⅰ组在17d左右可以看到类似肌管样细胞;Ⅲ,Ⅳ组未见上述形态改变。

    And in group ⅰ, the myotube like cells were observed at about 17 days , while in group ⅲ and ⅳ, there were no above mentioned morphological changes .

  2. 骨髓间充质干细胞向肌管状结构分化的动态

    Differentiation of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Myotube - like Structure

  3. ACh可刺激卫星细胞形成的肌管收缩。

    Adding ACh directly in the medium stimulated the contraction of myotubes .

  4. 2体外培养的兔骨骼肌SC在10代以内生长稳定,超过10代以后肌SC的融合能力和形成肌管的能力也随之下降。

    SCs grew steadily within 10 passages , and their ability to fuse and form myotubes faded after 10 passages .

  5. 计算成肌细胞肌管形成率(RMF)评价其分化能力;

    The differentiation was tested by the rate of myotube formation ( RMF );

  6. 结果:旋后肌管上、下口均由腱性组织参与构成,其宽度分别为(13.8±2.1)mm和(6.2±1.8)mm。

    Results : The entrance and exit of supinator tunnel were composed of tendinous tissues . Their widths were ( 13.8 ± 2.1 ) mm and ( 6.2 ± 1.8 ) mm , respectively .

  7. 方法:30侧尸体上肢标本,将PIN分为3段(即桡管段、旋后肌管段和旋后肌管后段)观察其肌支的分支情况;

    Methods : The muscular branches originating from the three parts ( radial tunnel part , supinator tunnel part and post tunnel part ) of PIN were observed on 30 sides upper limb specimens .

  8. 结果转化后的小鼠原代肌母细胞及C2C12细胞在分化为肌管细胞后均获得异源表达人载脂蛋白AI的能力;

    Results All of transduced mouse primary myoblasts and C2C12 cells gained and remained the ability for heterologous expression of human apolipoprotein AI even after differentiation into myotubes .

  9. 结果P12代较P3或P6代骨髓MSCs易向心肌样细胞分化并融合成肌管样结构。

    [ Results ] P12 MSCs could more easily be induced and differentiated into cardiomyocyte-like cells than P3 or P6 and subsequently fused to form myotube-like structure .

  10. 桡骨头到旋后肌管下口之间骨间背神经的长度(LHS);

    The length of the PIN from the radial head to the PIN exit point from the supinator muscle ( LHS );

  11. 在传统人类肌管中,急性软脂酸盐治疗会刺激IB/NFB,TLR4基因表达的阻断使软脂酸盐不能激动IB/NFB路径。

    In primary human myotubes , acute palmitate treatment stimulated IB / NFB , and blockade of TLR4 prevented the ability of palmitate to stimulate the IB / NFB pathway .

  12. 结果发现,鸡胚前脑神经元细胞对Zn离子的吸收能力明显大于骨骼肌肌管细胞;并且细胞中Cr、Fe、Ni等微量元素的浓度含量明显偏高;

    The results indicate that the absorptive capacity of the chicken embryo forebrain neuron cell to zinc ions is larger than that of the chicken embryo skeletal muscle myotube cell , and the concentrations of intracellular trace elements such as Cr , Fe , Ni are explicitly higher .

  13. 取生后2~5d的SD大鼠四肢骨骼肌制备细胞悬液,并以1×106细胞密度放入35mm培养皿中培养5~7d,使其发育为成肌细胞及肌管细胞。

    The stem cells of skeletal muscle from SD rats in an age of 2-5 days were grown in a 35-mm plate with complete medium for 5 - 7 days and myoblasts and myotubes were harvested .

  14. 已有研究证明至少有两条通路在TNF-α造成的骨骼肌萎缩中起作用:抑制成肌细胞myogenin的表达和促进成肌细胞或肌管的凋亡[3]。

    At least two pathways for the skeletal muscle-wasting effects of TNF-a have been described : inhibition of myogenin in myoblasts and apoptosis of myoblasts and myotubes [ 3 ] .

  15. 用卡尺对桡管(RT)、旋后肌管(ST)和桡侧腕短伸肌腱弓(AECRM)的形态和大小进行了观测,并对ST入口和出口的体表投影定位。

    The dimensions and morphology of the radial tunnel ( RT ), supinator tunnel ( ST ) and the arcade of extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle ( AECRM ) were observed and measured with caliper , and the surface projection of the entrance and exit of the ST were located .

  16. 旋后肌管下口的应用解剖

    The Applied Anatomy of the Lower Opening of the Supinator Channel

  17. 旋后肌管的解剖学研究及其临床意义

    Anatomical Study of the Supinator Tunal and Its Clinical Significance

  18. 人源性成肌细胞和肌管细胞中β-TubulinⅢ的表达

    Class ⅲ Beta-Tubulin is expressed in human myoblasts and myotubes

  19. 隐神经收肌管段的应用解剖学

    Anatomical study of adductor canal segment of saphenous nerve

  20. 肌管聚集性神经肌肉病二例报告

    Myopathy with tubular aggregates : report of two cases

  21. 细胞形态和排列方式发生明显变化,可见有肌管样细胞出现。

    The myotube - like cells could be seen .

  22. 体外培养的大鼠肌卫星细胞可在合适条件下分化,并相互融合形成肌管。

    Cultured satellite cells could differentiate and mutually fuse to myotubes under right conditions .

  23. 肌管细化是失重性肌萎缩结构和功能变化的基础

    Thinning of myotube is the structural and functional basis of muscle atrophy caused by weightlessness

  24. 旋后肌管的外科解剖学

    Surgical anatomy of the supinator canal

  25. 目的:为收肌管压迫综合征的临床诊断和手术治疗提供相关的解剖学依据。

    Objective : To provide an anatomical basis for clinical diagnosis and operative treatment of adductor canal compression syndrom .

  26. 结果表明,高钾暴露能够增强培养肌管的磷脂酰肌醇的水解;

    It is indicated that hydrolysis of phosphoinositide in cultured myotubes can be enhanced by high K + exposure .

  27. 结论泛素蛋白酶体途径是骨骼肌肌管长寿命蛋白的重要降解途径之一;

    Conclusions The ubiquitin proteasome system was one of the important pathways for degradation of long lived protein in cultured myotubes .

  28. 经28只动物实验,肌管与食管愈合良好。

    It was proved with 28 animal experiments that the anastomosis the muscular cannula and esophagus was healed in due time successfully .

  29. 一般情况下处于静息状态,当被激活后,具有增殖分化、融合成肌管、再形成肌细胞的能力。

    Under normal circumstances these cells are in resting state , but they can proliferate , differentiate and integrate into myotubes and form muscle cells .

  30. 本工作研究了去细胞外钙对取自9天来亨鸡胚的培养肌管磷脂酰肌醇水解的影响。

    The effect of removal of external Ca 2 + on phosphoinositide hydrolysis was investigated in cultured myotubes from 9 day old Leghorn embryonic chicken .