
kè xīnɡ
  • Nemesis;unbeatable rival;powerful remedy
克星 [kè xīng]
  • [a person who always bars another person from success;an unbeatable rival] 能给人带来不幸的人或物;专门克制某种对象的东西

  • 癌症的克星

  1. 酸模将成为荒漠的克星

    Rumex will Become An Unbeatable Rival of Deserts

  2. 胡佛作为罪犯克星的名头越来越响。

    Hoover was building his reputation as a crime-buster .

  3. 强队克星约维尔队在托基以5比2取胜,成为历史上最辉煌的非联赛俱乐部。

    Giant-killers Yeovil became the most successful non-league club in history with their 5-2 win at Torquay .

  4. 研究结果表明,喷施葫芦克星后,水葫芦叶片的过氧化物酶(POD)活性、多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量与水葫芦的胁迫反应是相关的。

    The results showed that the activities of peroxidase ( POD ) and polyphenoloxidase ( PPO ) and the content of malondialdehyde were related to the tolerance reaction of hyacinth .

  5. 今天,这个想法已经发展到具有修剪和打边功能,被人们称为weedwhackers(杂草克星?)的新一代割草机。

    Today the idea lives on in a new generation of string trimmers and edgers that people often call weed Whackers .

  6. FCMDNA分析结果克星组竟有高达92.9%(13/14)出现肿瘤程序性坏死的凋亡峰,而盐水组却有57.1%(4/7)出现异倍体峰。

    The FCM DNA analysis showed that the apoptosis peaks of the tumor program necrosis appeared in 92.9 % ( 13 / 14 ) in the Star 99 group . Yet the heteroploid peaks appeared in 57.1 % ( 4 / 7 ) in the saline group .

  7. 该机器锤头冲击力可达到30t,代替大锤、风镐,是水泥混凝土的克星。

    The impulsive force of the hammer of the Machine can reach30T , to replace the big hammer , and air pick , which can well treat with the cement concrete .

  8. 目的探讨超声引导瘤内注射复方中药99-克星的活性组分AG-05体内外抗肝癌作用及机制。

    Objective To probe the treatment effect and the mechanism of the active compound ( AG-05 ) from Chinese traditional medicine 99-star on liver cancer .

  9. 这一“克星”在8月的欧洲部分地区尤其折磨人。

    This affliction hits parts of Europe especially hard in August .

  10. “他有个妻子,是他的克星”

    Now he had a wife , the plague of his life

  11. 精确制导武器的克星&激光防空武器

    Laser Air - defence Weapon - Precision Guided Munition Killer

  12. 去列克星顿酒店的豪华巴士在哪发车?

    Where does the limousine bus for the Lexington Hotel leave from ?

  13. 水是疾病的克星,甚至是常见健康问题的解药。

    Water is an antidote against sicknesses and even common health concerns .

  14. 他们谴责沃克的预算修补法案是工会克星。

    They claim his budget repair bill is really a union buster .

  15. 而兄弟,我的克星,我能对你说什么呢?

    And what can I tell you my brother , my killer ?

  16. 他是计算机问题的克星。

    Computers crash at the very sight of him .

  17. 莱克星敦和康科德战役的遗址就在离这不远处

    Battles of Lexington and Concord were fought not too far from here .

  18. 恐惧?不,我是意志的克星。

    Fear ? No , I am the mind-killer .

  19. 以及体验风暴克星的机会。

    And a chance to try out the stormbreaker .

  20. 星期五的比赛中沃尔特斯将面对他最强劲的对手和克星。

    Walters will face his great rival and nemesis in friday 's match .

  21. 结论:胃克星对消化道损伤有明显保护功能。

    Conclusion : Weikexing has protective function in injured mucous membrane of stomach .

  22. 但战胜联合队的克星并不一定意味我们就能战胜联合队。

    But beating their conquerors does not necessarily mean we could beat them .

  23. 你能带我们到列克星顿酒店吗?

    Would you take us to the Lexington hotel ?

  24. 简要地回顾了脉冲星、中子星和夸克星的研究历史;

    Studies of pulsars , neutron stars , and quark stars are reviewed .

  25. 看来氪陨石不是你唯一的克星。

    I guess kryptonite 's not your only weakness .

  26. 文章估算了夸克星的质量极限和半径。

    This article estimates the mass limit , degeneration and radius of quark stars .

  27. 那麽,我们两人将在一起成为恶龙的克星!誓杀奥妮克希亚!

    Then together , we will bethe dragon 's bane ! Death to Onyxia !

  28. 如果说在英超联赛中切尔西是托特纳姆热刺的克星,这听起来一点也不为过。

    It is fair to say Chelsea are Tottenham 's nemesis in the Premiership .

  29. 我是你的克星!

    But I 'm nuts for you !

  30. 因质量的大小而形成脉冲星、中子星、夸克星,质量大到一定值的生成黑洞。

    Pulsars , neutron stars and quark stars are then created based on their mass .