
  • 网络Kreacher
  1. 于是,尽管克利切在电影中的出场对于剧情结构而言依然显得无足轻重,关于他的几个镜头还是在罗琳的要求下在最后时刻被补到了电影中。

    So , even if Kreacher still has no noticeable impact on the plot or story as it 's presented in the film , a couple of scenes with him were added at the last minute based on this request .

  2. 哈利吼道,压根儿没有在于墙上那些令人厌恶的肖像们的表情和小声嘀咕的责难声,'斯内普讨厌我爸爸就可以,而小天狼星讨厌克利切就不行?'。

    ' yelled Harry , ignoring the scandalised faces and disapproving mutterings of the portraits on the walls . 'It 's OK : for Snape to hate my dad , but it 's not OK for Sirius to hate Kreacher ?