
  • 网络potion;Elixir
  1. 哈利将开始学习NEWT等级考试的课程,包括魔药课而撤消了占卜课。我们将知道赫敏和罗恩选择的职业生涯是怎样的。

    Harry will start NEWT-level classes , which will include Potions but not Divination . We 'll also learn what career paths Hermione and Ron have chosen .

  2. 魔药课是在一个大地下教室里上的。

    Potions lessons took place in one of the large dungeons .

  3. J.K.罗琳现下已经写好了《混血王子》,《魔法金币》还有甚至一两剂新魔药,确保你没有错过——快来访问pottermore.com来猜猜我们押韵的谜语吧!

    With wonderful writing by J.K. Rowling in Moments from Half-Blood Prince , shiny gold Galleons and even a new potion or two , make sure you don 't miss out - just visit pottermore.com and answer our rhyming riddles .

  4. 有些事是再多魔药也改变不了的。

    That 's something no amount of potion will ever change .

  5. 白马王子怪不得我要喝那魔药

    Charming ? Beginning to see why I drank that potion .

  6. 也许喝了某种让你拥有神力的魔药?

    Some magical potion to give you strength , perhaps ?

  7. 这个魔药是解药而不是问题

    That potion was the solution , not the problem .

  8. 我还担心魔药课期末考呢。

    And to think I 've been worrying about my Potions final .

  9. 有时候我拿回家让妈妈做魔药。

    Sometimes I take them home and my mum prepares the potion .

  10. 这种魔药救了很多的生命。

    This magical potion has saved so many lives .

  11. 借助你的法术、魔咒或魔药。

    One of your cantrips , spells or potions .

  12. 你想要沃格的魔药?

    Do you want worg 's magic medicine ?

  13. 她大部分的课都最为出众,也经常帮助纳威。隆巴顿度过艰难的魔药课。

    She excels at most subjects and often helps Neville Longbottom through difficult potions classes .

  14. 你玫瑰生成,雨露裹腹,可知道怎样调制魔药?

    Born of roses , fed on dew , Charms and potions canst thou brew ?

  15. 是甚么魔力竟敢于把这剂魔药泼倒在尘埃呢?

    Who was this daemon daring to pour out the magic philter in the dust ?

  16. 你给白雪的魔药改变了她她变得不一样了

    The potion you gave Snow , It changed her . She 's not the same .

  17. 我不想恢复记忆所以我才喝了魔药

    I don 't want my memories back . That 's why I took the potion .

  18. 雨果向他索取两种魔药,一种可以使莎拉爱他,另一种用来毒死罗德力戈。

    Hugo demanded a potion to make Zara adore him , and one to destroy Roderigo .

  19. 魔药课教师斯内普目光沿着教员的长桌一直盯着卢平教授。

    Professor Snape , the Potions master , was staring along the staff table at Professor Lupin .

  20. 把魔药拿去,并用在适当的地方,不然它的魔力就会很快失去!

    Take the magic spell , And use it well , Or its power will vanish soon !

  21. 剧透:谜语中暗藏罗琳的新故事,解释了为什么她让斯内普成为魔药课教师:

    Spoiler : The riddle reveals new writing from Rowling , explaining why she made Snape Potions Master :

  22. 卢平接过斯内普递来的药,刚刚送到嘴边,那个魔药专家就扬长而去了。

    The potion expert swaggered away as soon as Lupin took the bowl , set it to his lips .

  23. 在洞底,爱丽丝吃下一块蛋糕,又喝了一剂魔药,最后整个人变得和那只白兔一样大小。

    Once there , Alice eats cake and drinks a potion , ultimately winding up the size of the rabbit .

  24. 在斯内普的魔药课上故意捣乱生事,就像去捅一只熟睡的巨龙的眼睛,真是太危险了。

    Deliberately causing mayhem in Snape 's Potions class was about as safe as poking a sleeping dragon in the eye .

  25. 我们需要声东击西,赫敏干脆地说,这时离星期四下午的两节魔药课越来越近了,有人打掩护,

    What we need , said Hermione briskly as Thursday afternoon 's double Potions lesson loomed nearer , is a diversion .

  26. 他们上完魔药课离开地下教室时,发现前面的走廊被一棵很大的冷杉树挡得严严实实。

    When they left the dungeons at the end of Potions , they found a large fir tree blocking the corridor ahead .

  27. 哈利在魔药课上被留了堂,斯内普叫他留下来擦去桌上的多毛虫。

    Harry had been held back in Potions , where Snape had made him stay behind to scrape tubeworms off the desks .

  28. 女巫懂得如何煎制魔药、制作符录,以蛊惑他人。

    Witches had great knowledge of how to make magical potions and charms , which were used to change people 's behavior .

  29. 在同人故事里扩充的其他主题还包括了顺从的学生和魔药课助手,但这并不能很好地把两点都解释清楚。

    Other theories expanded in fan fiction involving compliant students and Potions assistants don 't really do much in the way of explanation either .

  30. 他们紧挨着坐下,斯内普告诉莉莉怎样给莓子削皮,用来准备血液强化魔药。

    They sat down side by side as Snape showed Lily how to peel and prepare the berries for use in the Blood-Strengthening potion .