
  • 网络magic world;The World of Magic
  1. 丹尼尔开玩笑地说他俩一个负责动作一个负责感情,两条主线征服魔法世界。

    Daniel said they make fun of a responsible action a responsible feeling , two masterstroke to conquer the world of magic .

  2. 她觉得自己离魔法世界越来越远,好想再见到西弗勒斯,听他讲述那神奇的魔法世界。上个夏天那简直把她迷住了。

    She felt increasingly isolated from the world of magic and longed to hear Severus again , listen to him explain about the wonderful world of magic with which he had held her spellbound last summer .

  3. 罗琳笔下的魔法世界里,没有神秘主义的立足之地。

    Ms Rowling 's magic world has no place for the numinous .

  4. 至少《神奇动物2》的预告片是这么暗示的。《神奇动物:格林德沃之罪》是关于J·K·罗琳魔法世界的第10部电影,也是《神奇动物》系列的第二部。

    At least that 's what 's teased in the trailers of this 10th blockbuster set in JK Rowling 's wizarding world - the second in her Fantastic Beasts series .

  5. 该系列现在被称为JK?罗琳的魔法世界,已继续推出衍生作品《神奇动物在哪里》(2016)。

    The franchise - now known as JK Rowling 's Wizarding World - has continued with the spin-off Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them ( 2016 ) .

  6. 这家电影公司与《哈利波特》作者J.K.罗琳(J.K.Rowling)携手合作,根据哈利波特魔法世界的虚构课本《神奇动物在哪里》(FantasticBeastsAndWhereToFindThem),打造全新的系列电影。

    The studio is working with Potter author J.K. Rowling to create a new franchise of movies based on " Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them " which is a fictitious text book in the Harry Potter world .

  7. 在这天下午,faust,自称为“麻瓜首领”,感谢罗琳为了“让我们通过读这些奇妙的书最近距离地感受到了我们从没经历过的魔法世界。”

    In the afternoon , Faust - calling herself " muggle-in-chief " - thanked Rowling for " reminding us that reading wonderful books may be the closest we ever come to experiencing true magic . "

  8. 但是我经常让那扇门敞开着,因为我不那么残忍,若我有关于那个魔法世界的绝佳构想,而我又喜欢写,那我就会写。她告诉BBC。

    " I have always left the door ajar because I 'm not that cruel . If I had a fabulous idea that came out of that world , because I loved writing it , I would do it ," she told the BBC .

  9. 尽管2016年电影《神奇动物在哪里》不是《哈利波特》系列原作的延伸,但是这部前传的故事发生在JK罗琳所创造的同一个魔法世界。

    While it wasn 't a direct sequel to the original Harry Potter franchise , the 2016 prequel ( kind of ) Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them is set in the same wizarding world conjured in the mind of author J.K. Rowling .

  10. J.K.罗琳自曝要发布四本关于她奇幻魔法世界的新书,哈迷们又能回到霍格沃茨了,真是个令人兴奋的消息。

    Fans of the Harry Potter franchise are about to be transported back to Hogwarts , after JK Rowling revealed she 's releasing four brand new books about the wonderful wizarding world . This is SO exciting .

  11. 并置与戏仿:析《哈利·波特》的魔法世界

    Juxtaposition and Parody : On the Wizarding World in Harry Potter

  12. 哈利来到霍格沃兹时,他在魔法世界早已名声大振了。

    Harry Potter arrived at Hogwarts with a reputation already in place .

  13. 在飞毯与魔法世界之间有一个关联。

    There is a connection between magic carpets and the wizarding world .

  14. 魔法世界的小孩未上霍格华兹之前是去哪的呢?

    Where do wizarding children go to school before hogwarts ?

  15. 挑起魔法世界和人类世界的战争

    To provoke war between the magical and nonmagical worlds .

  16. 不让它给魔法世界的任何人送信。

    to stop her from carrying messages to anyone in the wizarding world .

  17. 奇幻小说就像一张通向魔法世界的门票。

    A fantasy novel can be a ticket to a land of magic .

  18. “哈利波特的魔法世界”将于2009年开放。

    " The Wizarding World of Harry Potter " is expected to open in2009 .

  19. 哈利波特魔法世界巡演近日第一次抵达中国。

    The Harry Potter Magic World Tour has arrived in China for the first time .

  20. 哈利·波特与他的魔法世界

    Harry Potter and His Magic World

  21. 魔法世界的很多人都认为这一魔法支流是最为不准确的。

    Many in the Wizarding World consider this branch of magic to be imprecise at best .

  22. 人类丢失了魔法世界。

    Man lost the enchanted world .

  23. 最终哈利经受住了一次次考验,重新确立了自己在魔法世界的地位。

    Finally , Harry lives through every test and re-establishes his status in the magic world .

  24. 对女孩子们来说,这道门就像是通往魔法世界的大门,引领我们去往专属于我们自己的世界。我们依次进入后,便会揭开面纱。

    For us girls that doorway was like a magical entrance to our own special world .

  25. 罗琳说这不会只是前传或后传,而是霍格沃茨魔法世界的延伸。

    Rowling said it is neither a prequel nor a sequel , but an extension of the wizarding world .

  26. 那些反对孩子看《哈》的家长也许忘记了他们小时候也曾对有魔法世界充满好奇。

    Maybe some of the objecting parents have forgotten how much they loved the magical worlds in their childhood .

  27. 当然,这种能力,就像在我虚构的魔法世界里一样,在道德上是中立的。

    Of course , this is a power , like my brand of fictional magic , that is morally neutral .

  28. 乔安妮?罗琳塑造了一个让老少皆可放松与享受的魔法世界。

    Joanne Rowling has created a truly magical place where adults and children can both relax and enjoy the environment .

  29. 我们的美国同僚对有人违背了《保密法》视而不见使整个魔法世界面临暴露的威胁

    Our American friends have permitted a breach of the Statute of Secrecy , that threatens to expose us all .

  30. 他们属于这个奇妙的世界,这与第一场雪同时出现的魔法世界。

    They belonged to that world of wonder , that world of magic , that was born with the first snowfall .