
  • Lethal Angels;Devil and Angel;Twisted Nerve
  1. 我们对彼此来说,既是魔鬼也是天使。

    We 're all each others ' demons and angels .

  2. 有句老话说我们是对方的魔鬼和天使。

    You know how they say we 're all each other 's demons and angels ?

  3. 从奥瑟罗第一次堂皇地叙述他的爱情故事开始,魔鬼、天使在他心中交替出现。

    Since the first time he grandly narrates his love story , the devil and angel alternately occur ia his heart .

  4. 魔鬼对天使等级的背叛;二、亚当和夏娃在伊甸园里选择吃禁果。

    The Devil 's defection from the ranks of the angels and Adam and Eve 's choosing to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden .

  5. 海明威眼中的理想型女性既不是魔鬼也不是天使。

    The ideal women his mind is neither angels nor ghosts .

  6. 科学能够成为魔鬼或成为天使,这要取决于人们如何对待科学。

    Science can be an ogre or an angel , depending on how one looks at it .

  7. 他既是魔鬼,也是天使。他就是即将登陆美国篮球大联盟的&易建联。

    He is idolized by millions of Chinese girls and , in America , he is regarded as a conceited NBA rookie .

  8. 律师就是律师,既非魔鬼,也非天使。

    But neither ' angels ' or ' devils ' are proper descriptions of lawyers .

  9. 马克思在高校所学的圣经中说,魔鬼被一位天使投入无底地狱之中(圣经.启示录20:3)。

    The Holy Scripture , which Marx learned in high school , says that devil was cast down by an angel into the abyss ( Rev . 20:3 ) .

  10. 驱赶用念咒、命令或祈祷的方法驱走(恶魔),或采用类似的方法精神生命(魔鬼,精灵,天使之类的)居住的神奇的地方。

    To expel ( an evil spirit ) by or as if by incantation , command , or prayer . any imaginary place where spiritual beings ( demons or fairies or angels or the like ) abide .

  11. 不接受救主耶稣基督意味着你自己要承担你自己的罪孽,就要与神和天堂分离,进入到为魔鬼及堕落的天使所预备的地狱,那是一个可怕的地方。

    Not to believe and receive the Lord Jesus means you must take your own punishment for sin , and that is separation from God and His Heaven forever in a terrible place called Hell , prepared for the devil and his angels .