
  • 网络Magic Academy;Magic;Magic School
  1. 与其他信徒一起,萨-艾格瑞斯创建了七城联盟,并在其余生一直作为这最初的魔法学院的环首。

    Along with the other disciples , Sar-Aggreth founded the first of the Seven Cities , and for the rest of his long life he became the Headmaster of the very first Academy of Magic .

  2. 她知道她比在魔法学院里面的同学都要强,甚至超越了她的老师。

    She knows she 's better than all of her classmates at mage-school , and even some of the teachers .

  3. 现在我要做的就是深呼吸几下,眯着眼睛看看前面的大红横幅,安慰自己正在世界上最大的格兰芬多(提示:以防有人没看过《哈利波特》……格兰芬多是小哈利所在的魔法学院的名字)聚会上。

    Now all I have to do is take deep breaths , squint at the red banners and convince myself that I am at the world 's largest Gryffindors ' reunion .

  4. 她说,旅途结束时,哈利这个角色和他就读的魔法学院或多或少已在她脑海中成形了。

    By the end of that journey , she says , the character of Harry and the school for wizards which he attends were more or less fully formed in her mind .

  5. 在这部影片中,哈利波特已经不再是个孩子了。他越来越靠近那个自从踏进霍格沃茨魔法学院的第一天就一直准备应付的终极使命了&与伏地魔的终极对抗。

    No longer a mere boy , Harry Potter is drawing closer to the task for which he has been preparing since the first day he stepped into Hogwarts : the ultimate battle with Voldemort .

  6. 我们那时的草药课教师,赫伯特·比尔利教授(注释一:赫伯特·比尔利最后离开霍格华兹去教授魔法学院的戏剧艺术,在那里,他曾向我坦白他对增加这一特殊故事的表演感到十分厌恶,并认为这是很不吉利的。)

    Our then Herbology master , Professor Herbert Beery , ( Note1 : Professor Beery eventually left Hogwarts to teach at W.A.D.A. ( Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts ) , where , he once confessed to me , he maintained a strong aversion to mounting performances of this particular story , believing it to be unlucky . )

  7. 让魔法开始阿布拉学院!

    Let the spells begin with Abra Academy !

  8. 这名奥斯卡影帝将出演魔法动物学家和作者纽特——纽特的作品后来成为霍格沃兹魔法学院的教材。

    The Oscar winner will take on the role of magizoologist and author Newt , whose work later makes its way to the halls of Hogwarts .