
  • 网络mystique
  1. 珍妮佛劳伦斯在《X战警:逆转未来》中扮演魔形女,她可以任意变成其他人的样子。

    She plays a mutant who can change shape to look like any person in X-Men : Days Of Future Past .

  2. 本名瑞雯·达克霍姆,魔形女是超级英雄系列电影《X战警》中的变种人,拥有可以变成任何人的超能力。

    Born as Raven Darkhome , Mystique is a mutant from the superhero film series X-Men which has the ability to shapeshift into anyone .

  3. 在“著名人物及其宠物”系列作品中,Aleksei画出了深受喜爱的流行人物的精美肖像以及他们的“精神”宠物:从琼恩·雪诺和他的白色冰原狼幼崽到蝙蝠侠与小蝙蝠或魔形女与幻想迷你版的她自己。

    In his series " Famous characters and their pets , " Aleksei draws beautiful portraits of loved pop-culture characters with their ' spirit ' pets : from Jon Snow with a white direwolf cub to Batman with a little bat or Mistique with a fantasy mini version of herself .