
  • 网络darfur crisis
  1. 达尔富尔危机的规模也是大多数投资者可能看重的一点。SRI对不同的人可能有不同的含义,科恩表示。

    The scale of the Darfur crisis is also one that most investors can appreciate . SRI may mean different things to different people , but there is a basic minimum principle , says Mr Cohen .

  2. 争夺土地也是达尔富尔危机爆发的重要动因。

    Competition for land is also an important motive in Darfur crisis .

  3. 首先是电影导演史蒂文斯皮尔伯格(stevenspielberg)辞去开闭幕式艺术顾问一职,原因是中国没有尽力平息达尔富尔危机。

    The year began with Steven Spielberg , the film director , withdrawing from his role as artistic adviser to the opening and closing ceremonies because China was not doing enough to ease the crisis in Darfur .

  4. 达尔富尔危机的治理与中国外交面临的挑战

    Governance of Darfur Crisis and the Challenge of China 's Foreign Diplomacy

  5. 预计不久美国国务卿赖丝会和利比亚举办一个由联合国发起的旨在结束邻国苏丹达尔富尔危机的对话。

    America 's Secretary of state , Condoleezza rice , is expected soon , and libyawill also soon host UN-sponsored talks aimed at ending the Darfur crisis inneighbouring sudan .

  6. 2003年爆发的苏丹达尔富尔危机,被联合国称为世界上最严重的人道主义危机之一。

    Darfur crisis , which is described as the most the most serious humanitarian crisis in the world by UN . , has triggered grievous spillover effect and attracted the attention of international society since its outbreak of the year 2003 .

  7. 穆巴拉克还表示,检察官奥坎波的举动事实上会延长达尔富尔的危机,因为这可能会鼓励达尔富尔的反政府武装加剧他们的反叛活动。

    Mubarak added the prosecutor 's action could actually prolong the Darfur crisis as it might encourage Darfur rebels to step up their insurgency .

  8. 伊朗和朝鲜核计划的紧张局势,苏丹达尔富尔、科索沃的危机,以及气候变化等问题,都迫切需要紧急关注。

    Tensions over Iran and North Korea 's nuclear programmes , the crisis in Darfur , Kosovo and climate change all cry out for urgent attention .

  9. 在国内外媒体和学界,达尔富尔问题又被称为达尔富尔危机、达尔富尔冲突。

    Darfur issue is also known as the Darfur crisis or Darfur conflict in domestic and international media and academia .

  10. 达尔富尔反政府武装2003年对政府设施的袭击引发了达尔富尔危机。

    Attacks on government installations by Darfur rebels in 2003 set off the crisis .