
  • 网络DARCY;Darci;Mr. Darcy;Darcey;Fitzwilliam Darcy
  1. 达西脸色苍白,汗珠晶莹。

    Darcy 's face was white and glistening with sweat .

  2. 尽管这封信对班纳特家的态度很高傲,但它开始消除伊丽莎白对达西的偏见。

    Despite its condescension toward the Bennet family , the letter begins to allay Elizabeth 's prejudice against Darcy .

  3. 他打算重走哥伦布到达西印度群岛的航行路线。

    He aims to follow Columbus 's voyage to the West Indies .

  4. 解开达西密码》将事实与小说区隔开来

    Unlocking DaVinci 's Code separates the facts from the fiction . 《

  5. 非达西流动条件下有限导流垂直裂缝气井IPR曲线

    Non-Darcy flow IPR curve of gas wells with vertical fractures of finite conductivity

  6. 线弹性海床中的渗流采用达西流,土骨架的位移及孔隙水压满足Biot固结理论。

    The displacements of soil and the porous fluid pressure satisfy Biot consolidation theory .

  7. 低速非达西渗流理论方法在DST试井中的应用

    Application of low-velocity non-Darcy percolation model in DST

  8. 双重孔隙介质低速非达西渗流油藏DST段塞流压力动态分析

    Dynamic Analysis of DST Slug Flow Pressure in Low Velocity Non-Darcy Percolation Reservoirs by Using Double Porous Medium

  9. 而对于c椭圆内区域的渗流,由于存在两种渗流介质,认为压裂裂缝内和垂直裂缝附近区域的流动为非达西单向渗流,从而推导出裂缝区域附近的流动公式。

    As for the percolation with in the c ellipse , regarding the flow as non-Darcy uniflux inside the fractured fractures and near the vertical fractures since there are 2 kinds of mediums , the flow formula is derived for near the fractured region .

  10. 本文应用Darcy模型的改进型式-Brinkman模型数值研究了填充各向异性多孔介质的水平空腔内部自然对流的非达西效应。

    Natural convection heat transfer in a horizontal enclosure filled with anisotropic porous media is numerically studied by applying the Brinkman model - a modified form of Darcy model giving consideration to the viscous effect .

  11. 根据粘性土的达西(Darcy)定律和水流连续性原则,建立起考虑起始水力坡降的粘性土渗透系数公式,并给出了误差分析方法。

    A permeability coefficient formula , in which the initial hydraulic gradient considered , was given according to cohesive soil 's Darcy law and continuity of water flow , and then error analytical methods were given .

  12. 简·奥斯汀笔下这位上流社会的完美男人,获得了约三分之一参与调查的英国女性的支持,以29.6%的支持率位居第一。而对达西先生形象的影视诠释,最广为人知的当属1995年BBC迷你剧中著名演员科林·费斯的演绎。

    Jane Austen 's upper-crust character , brought to life by actor Colin Firth in the 1995 hit BBC mini-series , was named number one by almost a third ( 29.60 per cent ) of British women polled .

  13. 就我的修行观而言,它太过严峻,而我的修行观通常是以慈悲、爱、蝴蝶、幸福、友善之神为中心(我的朋友达西〔Darcy〕称之为“睡衣派对神学”)。

    It 's far too austere for my notions of devotional practice , which generally revolve around compassion and love and butterflies and bliss and a friendly God ( what my friend Darcey calls " Slumber Party Theology " ) .

  14. 为研究溶解气驱油藏油井IPR曲线的计算方法,对达西公式进行了分析,并结合现场实际情况,推出了计算油气水三相流动时产能预测的新公式。

    O study the method of calculating IPR curves for wells of solubilized gas driving reservoir , this paper analyzed darcy formula and derived a new formula of productivity prediction which can be used in three phase flow of oil , gas and water .

  15. 以Biot理论和流体喷射流动理论为基础,从固液本构方程、流体动力学方程和广义达西定律出发,详细地推导出含油水两相流体孔隙介质的地震波传播方程。

    In this paper , based on theories of Biot and squirt flow of fluids , the author derived the wave equations for seismic waves propagated in oil-and-water-bearing porous media via constitute relation , momentum balance , and generalized Darcy ′ s law .

  16. 20/40(0.45~0.90mm)支撑剂充填层非达西流实验结果表明,在低流速条件下偏离Forchheimer方程,在高流速下Forchheimer方程线性很明显;

    The experimental results of non-Darcy flow in the 20 / 40 ( 0 . 45-0.90 mm ) proppant-filling bed show the test data deviate from Forchheimer equation at low flow rate , and the Forchheimer equation appears obvious linearity at high flow rate .

  17. 特低渗透油藏非达西渗流模型及其应用

    Non-Darcy seepage model of extra-low permeability oil reservoir and its application

  18. 彬格莱先生依了达西先生的话走开以后,达西自己也走开了。

    Mr. Bingley followed his advice . Mr. Darcy walked off ;

  19. 你和达西先生有什么嫌隙?

    What is the manner of your disapproval of Mr Darcy ?

  20. 那是他的好友达西先生

    CHARLOTTE : That is his good friend , Mr Darcy .

  21. 达西先生为什么要这么做?

    Well , how could Mr Darcy do such a thing ?

  22. 达西:东康普顿要去证明什么?

    Darcy : How are East Compton gonna prove anything ?

  23. 三维非达西渗流的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of three dimensional non-Darcy 's seepage flow

  24. 论文首先了把笔触伸向男女主人公的内心世界,发掘伊丽莎白和达西性格中的矛盾的、对立的、复杂的因素;

    It begins by probing into the internal world of Elizabeth and Mr.

  25. 达西先生我不知道我们有此荣幸

    Mr Darcy , I had no idea we had the honour .

  26. 多孔介质内受迫对流凝结时两相共存区的非达西模型

    A non-Darcy model for two-phase region of flow condensation in porous media

  27. 达西,你怎么把耳塞拿下来了?

    Darcy , why don 't you put those headphones back on ?

  28. 伊丽莎白与达西的结合体现了奥斯丁的婚恋理想。

    The ideal pattern is that of Elizabeth and Darcy .

  29. 一定是达西先生,那个高个子、傲慢的人。

    It must be Mr Darcy , that tall , proud man .

  30. 低速非达西流有限导流垂直裂缝模型

    Vertical fracture model of low non-Darcy flow with finite conductivity