
  • 网络Darden;dutton;John Dalton
  1. 达顿是仅次于哈佛商学院(harvardbusinessschool)的全球第二大案例研究开发学院。

    Darden is the second-largest producer of case studies in the world after Harvard Business School .

  2. 达顿mba课程有5个班,每班有62名学生。

    The Darden MBA class has five sections with 62 students in each .

  3. 弗吉尼亚大学达顿商学院(UniversityofVirginia'sDardenSchoolofBusiness)伊西多尔·霍温(IsidoreHorween)工商管理学研究助理教授

    Isidore Horween research associate professor of business administration , University of Virginia 's Darden School of Business

  4. 使用Kindle的学院随后又被问到:你是否会向达顿商学院新入学的MBA学员推荐KindleDX作为个人阅读设备?

    Kindle-using students were then asked : Would you recommend the Kindle DX to an incoming MBA student as a personal reading device ?

  5. 美国弗吉尼亚大学达顿商学院(UniversityofVirginia'sDardenSchoolofBusiness)工商管理学教授克里斯汀•贝法尔说,平均每位员工每天发火或者目睹同事发火的次数可达四次。

    The average employee either vents or hears someone else vent about four times a day , according to Kristin Behfar , a professor of business administration at the University of Virginia 's Darden School of Business .

  6. 期中调查时,试用项目的参与者被问到了这样一个问题:你是否会向达顿商学院的MBA新学员推荐KindleDX?

    In a mid-term survey , the pilot scheme participants were asked : Would you recommend the Kindle DX to an incoming Darden MBA student ?

  7. 在公开培训课程中,哈佛大学和弗吉尼亚大学(universityofvirginia)的达顿商学院(dardenschool)一直是佼佼者,但仅在过去3年,9所不同大学就曾进入前5名。

    In open enrolment programmes Harvard and the Darden School at the University of Virginia have been the traditional leaders but nine different schools have ranked in the top five in the past three years alone .

  8. 达顿商学院管理教育首席执行官戴维纽柯克(DavidNewkirk)表示:去年9月之前,我们的多数客户都处于一级禁闭状态。

    Most of our clients were in lockdown by September , says David Newkirk , chief executive of executive education at Darden .

  9. 在达顿的试验中,案例以PDF的形式发布,供学员在Kindle上阅读。Kindle支持PDF格式和亚马逊自有的图书格式。

    In the Darden experiment , case studies are distributed as PDFs for viewing on the Kindle , which supports the PDF format as well as Amazon 's proprietary book format .

  10. 达顿商学院的国际学生可以申请贷款用作学费和生活费,据该校财务援助主任拉里米勒(larrymueller)估计,贷款额度在7.35万美元左右。

    International students at Darden can get a loan for their tuition and living expenses , which Larry Mueller , Darden director of financial aid , estimates at about $ 73500 .

  11. 例如,达顿是美国高管短期课程的主要提供者之一,但并没有将kindle用于这类管理课程的计划。

    For example , Darden is one of the big executive short-course providers in the US , but does not have any plans to use the Kindle for these kind of management classes .

  12. 因此,和其它学院的同行一样,达顿的高级行政管理人员认为DX(其它电子书阅读器亦可)可以产生积极的环境影响,并减轻学生后背与银行账户的压力。

    So Darden 's senior administrators , like their counterparts elsewhere , believe the DX ( and potentially other e-readers ) could have a positive environmental impact and reduce the strain on students ' backs and bank balances .

  13. 与之前不同的是,现在我能够从顶尖的商学项目中选择课程,比如选择沃顿商学院(Wharton)的会计课、斯隆管理学院(Sloan)的创业课、达顿商学院(Darden)的战略课等等,而且无需支付任何费用。

    What is new is that I am able to take courses from top business programmes : accounting from Wharton , entrepreneurship from Sloan , strategy from Darden - the list goes on - without paying anything .

  14. DX试用计划中的本科学校主要将该设备作为标准教科书的替代品。与它们不同,达顿将该设备用于案例研究所有顶尖商学院的传统教学工具。

    Unlike the undergraduate colleges in the DX scheme that are mainly using the devices as a replacement for standard textbooks , Darden is using the device for case studies , a traditional teaching tool of all the top business schools .

  15. 达顿现年34岁,有抢劫和袭击的前科。

    Mr. Darden , 34 , has a history of robbery and assault .

  16. 达顿的兄弟住在东德克萨斯。

    Mr. Darden 's brother lives in East Texas .

  17. 我不想安达顿受到伤害。

    I don 't want John Anderton hurt .

  18. 艾伦达顿要想找一本杂志,让我瞎忙了一阵子。

    Alan Dutton had me running round in circles trying to find a journal .

  19. 我不知道他在哪里,她在达顿被捕之前说。

    I don 't know where he is , she said before the arrest .

  20. 我们先在达顿饭店吃饭,然后去跳舞。

    We 'll have dinner at Daton restaurant and then we 'll go out dancing .

  21. 学校:弗吉尼亚大学-达顿商学院

    School : Univ. of Virginia - Darden

  22. 可能是安达顿找出来。

    Anderton might have found them .

  23. 澳大利亚移民部长彼得•达顿办公室没有响应此问题。

    The office of the Australian immigration minister , Peter Dutton , did not respond to questions .

  24. 但是在这儿发现的碎石,不是覆盖猫头鹰山脉的碎石。麦克劳克林前往达顿的山顶,位于大角山以西一百英里。

    But the Mclaughlin traveled to Darton 's Peak , one hundred miles west in the Bighorn Mountains .

  25. 乔治不会说什么如果采取任何行动制止烤箱或出版商达顿企鹅会怎么样。

    Little would not say what if any action will be taken against oven or the publishers Dutton penguin .

  26. 达顿普夫人满足地站了起来伸直了膝盖,像一个按时完成了早晨对神明祷告的帕西人女祭司。

    Drabdump rose from her knees content , like a Parsee priestess who had duly paid her morning devotions to her deity .

  27. 今天,俄亥俄州达顿市附近重新举行飞行表演,表演前为昨天死亡的两名表演者进行了默哀。

    An air show near Dayton , Ohio reopened today with a moment of silence to honor two performers who died yesterday .

  28. 学校的课程表中,可以使学生们放松一下的另一个时间是园艺劳动,由生物老师达顿小姐负责组织。

    The other period of relaxation in the school timetable was gardening , presided OVER by Miss Dutton , the biology teacher .

  29. 一般来说,达顿学生在两年的课程里要阅读600个案例,这是数量相当庞大的一批学习材料。

    Typically , Darden students get 600 cases to read during their two years at college , a significant amount of material .

  30. 达顿表示,火锅的高人气主要来源于它整个烹饪过程的参与性以及社交活动的时效性。

    Much of hotpot 's popularity , Dutton said , comes from the participatory nature of the cooking process and time available for socializing .