
  • 网络campaign funds
  1. 被认为有望获胜的候选人将会获得竞选资金。

    Candidates deemed vote-worthy will be rewarded with campaign funds .

  2. 关于竞选资金的来源有很多谣传。

    There were lots of rumors about the sources of the campaign funds .

  3. 他是竞选资金最雄厚的候选人。

    He is the candidate with the biggest campaign bankroll .

  4. 卡珀顿州长筹得的竞选资金数额最大。

    Governor Caperton has the largest campaign war chest .

  5. 法国当地媒体援引一位司法官员的消息,前总统萨科奇因竞选资金问题现已被拘留。

    Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy was in police custody into his election campaign financing , local media reported Tuesday quoting a judiciary official source .

  6. 所以他赶早开展宣传为自己大吹大擂,尽力募集竞选资金并寻觅支持他的团体。这里的beatingthedrumsfor意思也是为作宣传。

    So he 's out early beating the drums for himself , trying to raise campaign money and find groups to support him .

  7. 希拉里·克林顿(HillaryClinton)的竞选资金可能是历史上最充裕的,但她却也想要所谓的黑钱滚出政治圈。

    Hillary Clinton could have one of the best-funded campaigns in history , but she wants to get so-called dark money out of politics altogether .

  8. 罗姆尼需要迫使主要竞争对手里克桑托勒姆(ricksantorum)和纽特金里奇(newtgingrich)尽快退出争夺,因为长时间的提名战正在耗尽他的竞选资金和独立选民对他的支持。

    Mr Romney needs to force his main rivals , Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich , out of the race as quickly as possible , as the prolonged contest is draining his campaign of money and the support of independent voters .

  9. 就这样,后尼克松时代的公共竞选资金制度消亡了。

    Thus died the post-Nixon era of public financing .

  10. 一份有关竞选资金改革的议案应该是什么样子的呢?

    What should a campaign-finance reform bill look like ?

  11. 其2012年的竞选资金总额高达7100万美元。

    Its total for 2012 was 71 million .

  12. 据称该党用非法手段筹竞选资金。

    It is alleged that the party used illegal methods to finance its campaign .

  13. 我绝不会破坏竞选资金条例

    There 's no fucking way I 'm gonna mess with campaign finance regulations .

  14. 募集竞选资金的超级政治行动委员会就是这种现象的最新表现。

    Campaign finance super-political action committees are but the latest manifestation of this phenomenon .

  15. 当选官员在公开他们的竞选资金来源,

    Elected officials have to disclose campaign contributions .

  16. 此举可以放手让这位民主党候选人从私人捐赠中筹集不受限制的竞选资金。

    This frees the Democratic candidate to raise an unlimited amount from private donations .

  17. 史密斯众议员还想尽快在众议院提出竞选资金问题。

    Representative Smith wants raise the campaign-finance issue in the House as soon as possible .

  18. 我们想通过号召普通民众捐款的方式,来筹集竞选资金。

    We would like to raise campaign funds by getting common people to chip in .

  19. 在筹集竞选资金方面奥巴马总统也有好消息。

    The president also got some good news on the campaign front with regard to fundraising .

  20. 两届民主党总统候选人约翰·爱德华兹正在因如何花费竞选资金接受调查。

    Two-time Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards is being investigated for how he spent campaign funds .

  21. 并且我们需要竞选资金

    and we need the cash .

  22. 竞选资金的监管是美国选举政治中的重要问题之一。

    The supervision and regulation over campaign finance is one of the most important issues in the U.

  23. 2000年主要的竞选资金趋势是什么,它们同刚刚过去的前一届有什么不同?

    What were the major campaign finance trends of2000 , and how did they differ from the immediate past ?

  24. 前总统候选人约翰·爱德华兹已经承认联邦调查员正在调查他的竞选资金和他曾给过他情妇十万多美元的事实。

    John Edwards is now being investigated on whether or not he usedcampaign funds to pay his mistress hush money .

  25. 他在初选中面对现任州长尼尔·艾伯克伦比,艾伯克伦比曾担任了十个任期的国会议员,同时他的竞选资金也是伊及的十倍。

    He faced incumbent governor Neil Abercrombie , a former ten-term congressman with ten times the amount in campaign financing .

  26. 不过,有悖于预期的是,美国证券投资业仍是奥巴马所筹竞选资金的一个重要来源。

    But , defying expectations , the securities and investment industry has remained an important part of the Obama fundraising effort .

  27. 前伊利诺斯州民主党众议员小杰西·杰克逊承认挪用75万美元竞选资金。

    Democratic former Illinois congressman Jesse Jackson Jr , has pleaded guilty to charges he misused 750000 dollars in campaign funds .

  28. 他被正式调查,被怀疑利用贝当古的精神脆弱谋取竞选资金。

    He was placed under formal investigation , suspected of having taken advantage of Bettencourt 's mental frailty to obtain campaign funds .

  29. 华盛顿州的布雷特·巴德顾问说:“我从未见过这样的实例,有关竞选资金的法律竟然会起到这样令人满意的效果。”

    I 've never seen a case where campaign-finance law has had the desired effect ," says Washington-state consultant Brett Bader . "

  30. 杰克逊面临指控曾参与盗用75万美元竞选资金的计划并已认罪。

    Jackson pleaded guilty to charges that he engaged in a scheme to spend $ 750000 in campaign money on personal items .