
  1. 处理好与美在WTO框架下的竞争与合作的关系,是协调中美经贸关系的关键环节之一。

    ( iv ) to develop a competitive and cooperative relationship with US under the WTO circumstances .

  2. 物流系统的发展中也引发了竞争与合作的关系。

    Competition and cooperation have also been triggered in logistics system development .

  3. 在学习型战略联盟内部如何处理竞争与合作的关系是一个直接影响联盟成败的两难选择。

    How to deal with the relation between competition and cooperation in the learning strategy alliance is a dilemma .

  4. 以往对三峡库区旅游地空间的研究都是从点轴模式或旅游产品组织的角度来讨论,但作为区域旅游的形成机制,即区域旅游竞争与合作的关系却考虑很少。

    The former studies of tourism in this area are all from the point of node axis pattern or product frame , few considers the competition cooperation mechanism , which induces regional tourism .

  5. 第三方面是中韩两国各产业部门之间的竞争与合作的关系,主要研究了在未来几年中两国在哪些领域内需要展开合作,在哪些领域又面临竞争。

    Third is the competition and cooperation relations between the industrial departments of both countries , the author analyzes the fields they need to cooperate and compete with each other in the near future .

  6. 运用数学模型结合农业装备技术的实际发展情况,提出了针对不同的技术领域和与国外企业竞争与合作的关系划分的农业装备产业技术创新战略联盟的目标。

    Combined mathematical models with the actual development of agricultural equipment and technology , thesis establish the strategic objectives of the alliance for different technical areas divided by the cooperative and competitive relationship with foreign enterprises .

  7. 在上述前提下,简要讨论科学发现中竞争与合作的关系。

    Base on the analysis and demonstration of the role of cooperation in the competition in the search for DNA double helix structure , we discuss the relationship between competition and cooperation in science discovery . 4 .

  8. 从竞争与合作的内在关系看,竞争是绝对的,合作是相对的。

    Look from the underlying concern of competition and collaboration , competition is absolutely , collaboration is opposite .

  9. 叙述了区域旅游整合的必要性、优势及其竞争与合作的互动关系。

    It described the necessity of RTI , RTI advantages and the interactive relation between regional tourism competition and cooperation .

  10. 在开展区域旅游的过程中如何协调好空间竞争与空间合作的关系,是提高旅游开发效益、实现旅游可持续发展的关键。

    How to coordinate the relationship of competition and corporation is the key to improve benefit and realize sustainable development in regional tourism development .

  11. 零供战略联盟关系是一种竞争与合作并存的关系,实质是合作博弈,它能创造一种双赢的局面。

    The strategic alliances of retailers and suppliers is a relationship between competition and cooperation , in essence , cooperative game , it can create a win-win situation .

  12. 在如此复杂的经济环境中,企业间构成了竞争与合作共存的组织关系,本文称之为竞合。

    Then , firms in such a complex context form an organizational relationship in which cooperation and competition coexist .

  13. 有效的警察同事人际关系应该是竞争与合作密切相关的人际关系。

    Therefore , an effective police colleague-relation is that of competition and close cooperation .

  14. 第一,论述了竞争性联盟中竞争与合作的关系以及处理竞争与合作的三种机制;

    First of all , discusses the relationship between competition and cooperation in competitive alliances , and three mechanisms to deal with it .

  15. 经济全球化、信息化、知识化的发展使企业间的竞争层次与强度日趋上升,竞争与合作的关系在更高的层次上加强了彼此联系的紧密性。

    Competition of enterprises has been improved with the development of global economy , information economy and knowledge economy . And the relation between competition and cooperation has also been connected more intensely .

  16. 这就要求企业必须改变纯粹对抗竞争的思维模式,辩证地处理竞争与合作的关系。

    It requires enterprises to transform their thinking mold of pure antagonist and an overall analysis is needed in dealing with the balance of cooperation and competition .

  17. 移动电子商务的发展既面临着激烈的竞争,同时又必须进行广泛的合作,处理好竞争与合作的关系问题,对移动电子商务的发展具有极为重要的意义。

    The development of mobile e-commerce needs both competition and cooperation . It is crucial for the development of mobile e-commerce to deal with competition and cooperation properly .

  18. 在供应链管理已经得到长足发展的当代,由于市场竞争激烈化和生产模式的转变,企业与其供应商之间原本纯粹的竞争关系已经被一种竞争与合作的双重关系所取代。

    In contemporary times , as the supply chain management is being paid more and more attention , the relationship of business-to-business has changed from pure competition into a more cooperative one , in order to accommodate with the transformation of the manufacture mode .

  19. 第一章首先阐述了历史上各种关于竞争与合作的理论成果,从关注竞争的对抗性到研究竞争中的合作,从理论上对竞争与合作的关系做了较全面的探讨。

    The first chapter introduced different kinds of historic study achievement in competition and cooperation , such as psychology , systems science , economics and management .

  20. 在经济全球化的今天,随着市场竞争的加剧和生产模式的转变,迫于成本的压力,企业与企业之间的关系已经由纯粹的竞争关系向一种竞争与合作的双重关系转变。

    Today , with the aggravation of the market competition and transition of the production mode , the relation between enterprises has chang from pure competition to coorperation , under the pressure of the cost .