
  1. 知识经济的到来使全球市场发生了巨大的变化,其变化趋势是从价格竞争转向速度竞争,需求从稳定转向多变。

    The Knowledge Economy brings great changes to the Global Market . The competition focus is transferred from price to speed , and the requirement from stable to variable .

  2. 表现为:竞争是高速度和高强度的;

    The performances are : competition is the high speed degree and high strength ;

  3. 基于竞争理论的速度营销及其策略

    Speed-marketing and tactics based on the competition theory

  4. 另外,跨国公司所要求的股权比例会随着技术创新竞争到达的速度和影响程度的增加而减小。

    In addition , equity share of multinational corporation is decreased with competition of future innovations .

  5. 当今芯片产业竞争激烈,速度低、面积大、功耗高的产品难以在市场中占有一席之地。

    Nowadays since the fierce competition in IC industry , low speed , big area or high power dissipation products can hardly take their places in the market .

  6. 智能手机的技术竞争与发展速度日益加快,专利诉讼已经成为移动手机行业的普遍特征。

    Smartphone technology competition has been more fierce and developed more rapidly , Patent litigation has been a common feature of the mobile phone industry for many years .

  7. 中小企业集群是一种有较强生命力的经济组织形式,但同时也较为普遍地出现了同质恶性竞争、成长速度慢等问题。

    The medium and small enterprise cluster is a sort of vital economic organization , but simultaneously some problems are emerging , just as homogeneous competition , slow-footed growth and etc.

  8. 在知识不断升值的知识经济时代,世界各国之间的经济竞争由增长速度的较量转为增长方式的较量,知识的创造、流动与扩散成为知识经济的依托。

    With the increasing of value of knowledge in the knowledge-based economy era , economic competition of countries in the world turns from growth speed of economy to growth mode of economy . Creation , flow and diffusion of knowledge are becoming the support of the knowledge-based economy .

  9. 根据这项报告,美国经济及其海外竞争能力发展的速度开始放缓。

    The American economy , and its ability to compete abroad , was slowing down according to the report .

  10. 现在社会竞争激烈,有时速度太慢意味着你会错过机会。

    Now the world is competitive and sometimes being too slow means you miss out .

  11. 最初,这两种网络公平竞争,互联网传输速度大致相同。

    At first the two networks had a fair fight , delivering the Internet at about the same speed .

  12. 他们的内容可能比他们竞争对手的加载速度变慢,随着时间的推移,读者可能会避免这些慢的网站。

    Their articles might load more slowly than their competitors ', and over time readers might avoid those sites .

  13. 在以竞争激烈、更新速度快为标志的知识经济时代,员工成为企业的核心竞争力。

    In a highly competitive and rapid renewal era of knowledge economy , employees have become the core competitiveness of enterprises .

  14. 全球化使得世界经济风貌与竞争环境的变化速度加快,个人、企业或是政府都必需加速应变的能力。

    Globalization accelerates the development of world economy and competitive environment , making the ability to cope with constant changes a necessity to individuals , enterprises and government entities .

  15. 对于伦敦证交所来说,系统瘫痪发生的时机再糟糕不过,该证交所正与为数众多的新对手竞争,它们提供速度极快的交易系统和较低的费用。

    The meltdown could not have happened at a worse time for the LSE , which is battling a slew of new rivals who are offering ultra-fast trading systems and low fees .

  16. 供应链管理就是为了提高供应链的生产和运作效益。其主要目标是在供应链这个动态联盟的组织中通过供应链上下游企业之间的协同合作,加快企业应对市场竞争需求的响应速度。

    The main goal is to improve the production and operation benefits of supply chain , and through collaboration between upstream and downstream firms in supply chain active colleague , to speed up firms ' response to the market demand .

  17. 在知识经济社会,企业间的竞争从规模竞争转变为速度竞争,从成本与价格的竞争转变为知识的竞争。

    In the information economy , competition between enterprises shifts from scale to speed and from cost and price to knowledge .

  18. 随着制造企业的竞争从规模竞争、质量竞争转向速度竞争,缩短从订货到交货的周期成了企业赢得市场的首要因素。

    When competition of manufacturing enterprises turns to improve the production speed from expanding production scale and improving production quality , how to shorten the time between orders to delivery is the primary factor to win the market for enterprise .

  19. 知识转移既可以有效的丰富企业知识量,又可以提高企业的综合竞争能力,提高企业模仿竞争对手的速度。

    Knowledge transfer can effectively enrich the amount of corporate knowledge , but also to improve the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises , improve the speed of the enterprises to imitate competitors .

  20. 伴随着制造企业之间的竞争由质量竞争、规模竞争逐渐转向速度竞争,企业若要赢得市场,其中一个极其重要的因素就是缩短从订货到交货的周期。

    As the competition of manufacturing enterprises gradually turning to speed competition from quality and scale competition , how to shorten the lead time is the primary factor to gain market for enterprise .

  21. 本文从市场竞争的范围、竞争主体、竞争内容、竞争战略、竞争模式、竞争速度、竞争层次、竞争与政府管理能力等方面论述了我国入世后市场竞争发生的变化。

    The paper discusses the range of market competition , market main parts , competition content , competition strategy , competition model , competition speed , competition level and goverment management .

  22. 随着科技不断进步,经济不断发展,全球化信息网络和全球化竞争市场逐步形成,市场竞争已经不仅仅是质量的竞争,价格的竞争,速度的竞争,更是品牌的竞争。

    As technology advances and a growing economy , globalization and the globalization of information networks and gradually form a competitive market , market competition has not only the quality of competition , price competition , the speed of competition , but also the brand competition .

  23. 企业的竞争战略发生了根本性的变化,由此产生的敏捷制造也使西方企业的更具竞争实力的领跑速度逐渐加快。

    Competitive strategy of enterprise change fundamentally , therefore Agile Manufacturing that produce enrich western enterprises with competition strength take the lead in race speed is accelerated gradually too .