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  1. 网络虚拟形象及其知识产权保护

    Internet Fictional Character and It 's Protection of Intellectual Property

  2. 基于CORBA/JAVA技术的虚拟形象设计系统

    A virtual image designer based on corba / java

  3. 目前,游戏系统为玩家提供的是默认的虚拟形象,对用户而言,是不具有相似性的形象。

    At present , The System of game provides a default virtual face .

  4. 因特网让你拥有一个虚拟形象变得非常容易。

    The internet makes it so easy to have an anonymous public image !

  5. 它可以通过一个人的社交资料和我的预测运算程式建立起互动式虚拟形象

    See , it built an interactive avatar based on someone 's social-media profile and my predictive logarithms .

  6. 动漫明星是通过动画、漫画为主的艺术手法塑造的、具有较高曝光度和知名度的虚拟形象。

    Animation star is a virtual image which shaped by artistic techniques as animation and comic , with higher exposure and visibility .

  7. 视觉识别从现实形象和虚拟形象两方面入手研究如何建设良好的网络发言人形象。

    Visual Identity from a realistic image and the virtual image two aspects to study how to build a good web spokesperson image .

  8. 虚拟形象,作为上世纪产生,本世纪发展并完善,已经越来越受到重视。

    Virtual image which is produced in the last century , and has been developing and improving in this century is getting attention increasingly .

  9. 或许现代广告人在使用时并没有意识到虚拟形象作为广告代言人,也在发挥着自身的作用。

    Perhaps the modern advertising agents do not realize that the virtual image is also playing its role as an advertising spokesman in use .

  10. 分析了网络虚拟形象服饰营销的种类和它们各自的特点、发展过程及现状,对它的商业价值进行了讨论与展望。

    Has analyzed the network virtual vivid clothing marketing type and they respective characteristic , the developing process and the present situation , has carried on the discussion and the forecast to its commercial value .

  11. 幽默虚拟的形象,满足了人们欢愉和体验的激情。

    The humorous hypothesized image , satisfied the people to be happy and the experience fervor .

  12. 网民报告在线犯罪只需点击这些在网页上每隔半小时出现一次的虚拟警察形象就可以了。

    Netizens can report online crimes by just clicking these virtual police figures whenever they appear on webpages every half an hour .

  13. 比较现有的语音对话手机客户端产品的交互设计提出了虚拟动画形象交互等创新点。

    Comparing with the interaction design of existing voice chat mobile clients , it puts forward several innovative points such as the interaction of virtual animation image .

  14. 其次,分析了虚拟代言形象的优势,并从消费符号、消费心理、消费群体形态特征、泛动态影像时代特征几个方面分析其流行的理论依据。

    Secondly , analyzed the virtual spokesman advantages among consumer symbols , consumer psychology , consumer groups morphological characteristics , animation times feature several aspects obtain its popular theory basis .

  15. 该系统充分展示了其虚拟场景形象逼真、动态组合、实时保存和虚拟实验的交互性强、操作简便、动态扩充等特点。

    VMCES ( Virtual Metal Creep Experimental System ), which main characters are vivid virtual scenes , dynamically assembled , real-timely saved , appropriate human-computer interactivity , easy handling and extended and so on , has the following functions .

  16. 优秀的文艺作品可以塑造个性鲜明的虚拟角色形象,成功的虚拟角色深入人心,在社会大众中间产生一定的广告信誉和形象号召力,将这些虚拟角色用于商品化运作,可以获得巨大的经济利益。

    Outstanding literary work can shape the distinctive image of fictional characters , successful fictional roles could have a certain reputation and image of advertising appeal in the middle of the community . When used for commercial operations , these fictional characters could make huge economic benefits .

  17. 为了使虚拟植物更加形象逼真,叶表面重建是虚拟植物建模的重要组成部分。

    In order to make the virtual plant more image lifelike , leaf surface reconstruction virtual plant model is an important component .

  18. 结论:虚拟重建图像形象逼真,能真实还原组织器官结构的本来面貌,是解剖学研究和学习的新途径。

    CONCLUSION : Virtual images , more precise in displaying the accurate structure of the human body , is a new approach to anatomical teaching and learning .

  19. 这些虚拟场景逼真形象,引人入胜,业界把这些用计算机虚拟出来的场景表现技术,称为虚拟现实技术。

    These virtual scenes lifelike image of the attractive , the industry out of these scenes with the performance of computer simulation technology , called virtual reality technology .

  20. 新华社称这款虚拟主播,形象逼真,穿着得体的西装“,能够和专业的新闻主播一样,非常自然的播报新闻”。

    The agency claims the virtual presenter - a realistic-looking man , sharply dressed in a suit - " can read texts as naturally as a professional news anchor . "

  21. 系统测试表明,该设计方案完全可行,虚拟导航装备形象逼真,交互性好,可便于维修人员深入了解装备的内部结构,从而提高工作效率。

    Testing of system shows that the design scheme is feasible and virtual navigation equipments are vivid , with good interaction and the inside structure of real equipment is convenient for maintainer to watch , so that maintenance efficiency is improved .

  22. 展览的开始为老北京城区的总体情况,用科学的方法讲述4个基本原则,并重新组成一个虚拟的理想城市形象。

    The discourse starts from a general picture of the old city , continues with a scientific breakdown into the four principles and concludes at a virtual re-composition of an ideal image of the city .

  23. 网上仿真或虚拟实验具有生动形象、不受时空限制、提供自主探索的学习环境、实现软件资源共享、改善教学资源缺乏的教学现状等优点。

    Online simulation or virtual experiment has many advantages , such as vividness , no limitation to time and space , offering the learning environment for self-exploration , software resource sharing , improving the situation on the lack of teaching resources .

  24. 虚拟角色也称作品中的艺术形象,通常是指文学、影视、动画、动漫等作品中塑造的人物、动物及卡通形象,也包括用语言变现的作品中的虚拟形象。

    Fictional character is also called as art image of works . It usually refers to the character , animal and cartoon image which is created in literature , film , animation and other works .

  25. 同时,电子传媒技术作为一种图像性的技术,一种虚拟性的技术,其虚拟的逻辑已经凌驾于真实的逻辑之上,虚拟的形象成为了衡量现实的尺度。

    Moreover , as a kind of hypothesized technology , its logic has already overridden the real logic and its image has become the yardstick of reality .

  26. 这些智能仪器单元称为智能虚拟部件,这是一种被仪器功能激活了的,有生命的虚拟控件,既描述了智能控件化虚拟仪器的形象,也描述了它的本质。

    The intelligent cells of instrument named Intelligent Virtual Controls is a kind of living virtual part endowed instrument functions , which describe the appearance and the essential of Intelligent Controls-oriented Virtual Instrument .