
  • 网络virtual file system;VFS;virtual filesystem
  1. Linux的虚拟文件系统中数据结构的研究

    Study of the Data Structures of Linux 's VFS

  2. Linux的虚拟文件系统

    Linux Virtual File System

  3. 了解开放式操作系统Linux,熟悉/proc虚拟文件系统,掌握Linux环境下的性能数据采集方法;

    Study Linux system , investigate the virtual file system / proc of Linux , master data collecting method in Linux ;

  4. 通过IBMdeveloperWorks文章使虚拟文件系统工作来学习如何在您的代码中使用虚拟文件系统。

    Learn how to Put virtual filesystems to work in your code with this IBM developerWorks article .

  5. 上面提到了,VNC和虚拟文件系统FUSE使其成为可能。

    VNC and the virtual file systems FUSE makes possible are mentioned above .

  6. 另外,Linux支持加密文件系统(比如CFS)和虚拟文件系统(比如/proc)。

    Additionally , Linux supports cryptographic file systems such as CFS and virtual file system such as / proc .

  7. 对基于SOA架构的业务基础平台中包括动态建模系统、基础业务模型服务、虚拟文件系统、工作流系统、报表系统等组成部分进行了详细设计。

    The dynamic modeling system 、 Business service 、 Visual file system . Flowchart system and report system of SOA based platform are designed in detail .

  8. 本文实现的是基于Linux系统的透明加密文件系统,在Linux的虚拟文件系统和真实的文件系统之间实现了一个能完成数据加密和解密的文件系统。

    In this article implemented a transparent encrypt file system based on the Linux operating system , the system exist between in virtual file system and the real file system .

  9. proc虚拟文件系统可以广泛地用来报告内核的信息,也可以用来进行动态配置。

    The / proc virtual filesystem is widely used to report kernel information and also for dynamic configuration .

  10. 这种设备管理协议的主要内容是规范终端呈现单元和终端之间有关设备控制信息的交互过程,其中对设备的控制和操作以Linux系统中的虚拟文件系统为基础。

    The protocol is mainly focused on interactive processes between terminal devices and TPU . Operations on the terminal devices by terminal services are based on the virtual file system in Linux OS .

  11. 通过虚拟文件系统不但协调了不同文件系统差异,也简化了系统的实现,因而成为理解Linux文件系统的关键。

    By the virtual file system . We not only resolve the different file system difference but also simplify the system realizes . The VFS become the key of the comprehension Linux file system .

  12. 虚拟文件系统(VFS)是Linux内核中非常有用的一个方面,因为它为文件系统提供了一个通用的接口抽象。

    The virtual file system ( VFS ) is an interesting aspect of the Linux kernel because it provides a common interface abstraction for file systems .

  13. 这组接口的核心就是虚拟文件系统交换器(VFS)。

    At the core of that set of interfaces is the virtual file system switch ( VFS ) .

  14. 架构的顶层是虚拟文件系统(VFS),它为高级应用程序提供通用接口。

    At the top is the virtual file system ( VFS ), which presents a common interface to higher-level applications .

  15. proc文件系统提供了一种内核和用户空间交互的方法&尽管是虚拟文件系统。

    The / proc file system provides a method for communicating between the kernel and user space & namely , though a virtual file system .

  16. 针对传统的网络资源库交互性相对较差的缺点,采用JAVA、数据库连接池、虚拟文件系统等技术,开发了一个新型的资源库系统,并给出了该系统的主要实现技术。

    In the light of defects of interaction of traditional education resources library , using JAVA , database connecting pool , virtual file system , a new-style resources library system is developed , and the main technology of this system is given .

  17. 因为Linux显示文件系统的一个公共界面(通过虚拟文件系统交换机[VFS]),Ceph的用户透视图就是透明的。

    As Linux presents a common interface to the file systems ( through the virtual file system switch [ VFS ] ), the user 's perspective of Ceph is transparent .

  18. 而虚拟文件系统(VFS)是内核中支持的大多数文件系统的抽象层。

    The virtual file system ( VFS ) is the abstraction layer for the multitude of file systems that are supported in the kernel .

  19. 在FAT和NTFS文件系统存储与读写的基础上实现一种更优的、小型的虚拟文件系统,保证HPA区域中数据信息的正常存储和读写。

    Implemented a superior 、 small-scale virtual file system to ensure the the normal data storage and read-write correctly in the HPA area base on the advantage of fat and ntfs file system .

  20. 本月的专栏文章不是关于Linux虚拟文件系统交换器的,该交换器将文件系统驱动程序分派给ext2、ext3、reiserfs等等。

    This month 's column is not about the Linux virtual filesystem switch , which dispatches filesystem drivers for ext2 , ext3 , reiserfs , and so on .

  21. 请注意,我没有研究最终用户将看到的生动的显示效果:Portland并不解决GUI主题的“花俏”,或者阴影效果又或者虚拟文件系统创新。

    Notice that I 'm not looking at anything that end users would see as dramatic : Portland does not address the " sizzle " of GUI themes or shading effects or virtual file system innovations .

  22. Linux虚拟文件系统VFS将各种不同逻辑文件系统的操作和管理纳入到一个统一的框架中,为用户程序提供一个统一的、抽象的、虚拟的文件系统界面。

    Virtual filesystem switch VFS of Linux brings all kinds of operation and management of different logical file system into a united frame to provide the user programs with united , abstract and virtual file system interface .

  23. 如果消息表明成功,来自返回消息的信息将填充到structstat对象,从而使用来自虚拟文件系统的记录数据取代真实的数据。

    If the message indicates success , information from the returned message gets stuffed into the struct stat object , replacing the real data with the recorded data from the virtual file system .

  24. 通过对Linux虚拟文件系统(VFS)特点的分析,在VFS上添加文件系统CSFS,提高了集群系统的可用性和可管理性。

    The characteristic of linux virtual file system ( VFS ) is first analyzed , and then the implementation of CSFS above VFS is described . After CSFS added , the availability and manageability of cluster system have been enhanced greatly .

  25. ext1文件系统是第一个使用虚拟文件系统(VFS)交换的文件系统。虚拟文件系统交换是在0.96c内核中实现的,支持的最大文件系统为2GB。

    The ext file system was the first to use the virtual file system ( VFS ) switch implemented in the0.96c kernel and supported file systems up to2 gigabytes ( GB ) in size .

  26. 并行虚拟文件系统客户端缓存技术研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Client Caching for PVFS

  27. 虚拟文件系统数据结构在include/linux/fs。

    The Virtual File System data structures are described in include / linux / fs .

  28. 顺便说一下,/proc文件系统并不是GNU/Linux系统中的惟一一个虚拟文件系统。

    By the way , the / proc filesystem isn 't the only virtual filesystem in GNU / Linux .

  29. 存储区用作完整的虚拟文件系统,您可以在一个存储区中创建和操作目录及文件。

    A store acts as a complete virtual file systemwithin one store you can create and manipulate directories and files .

  30. 深入研究了弹性应对理论及相关方法,定义了弹性应对机制,介绍了嵌入式操作系统体系结构的安全增强方法、嵌入式系统安全弱点和虚拟文件系统。

    The security enhancement method of the Embedded Operating System architecture , Embedded System security vulnerabilities and virtual file system are introduced .