
  • 网络Free Software Movement
  1. 由于Linux及自由软件运动、开源运动的革命性,它们的发展注定要在争议中展开。

    Because of the revolutionary character , the development of Linux , the Free Software Movement and the Open Source Movement is doomed to be controversial .

  2. 自由软件运动与知识产权制度的冲突;

    The conflict between the Free Software Movement and copy right ;

  3. BrucePerens是OpenSourceInitiative的创始人之一,他讨论了开放硬件所面临的、类似于早先自由软件运动的一些障碍。

    Bruce Perens , co-founder of the Open Source Initiative , discussed some of the hurdles open hardware faces , similar to those the early free-software movement faced .

  4. 从自由软件运动看当代资本主义基本矛盾的深化

    The Free Software Movement and the Deepening of the Basic Contradiction in Contemporary Capitalism

  5. 自由软件运动与科学伦理精神

    Free Software Movement and Ethos of Science

  6. 莱斯格是法律教授和斯坦福大学的著名人物的自由软件运动。

    Lessig is a law professor at Stanford University and a prominent figure in the free software movement .

  7. 自由软件运动的兴起,带给导航系统一个全新的设计模式,即根据所设计的导航系统定制实时内核,将应用层的设计和内核层的设计融合在一起。

    Free software has brought a novel design mode to navigation system . The real time core may be tailored to navigation system .

  8. 理查德·斯多尔曼深刻地批判了私权软件体制,这种批判不仅是理论上的,更是通过自由软件运动的实际发展现实地展开的。

    Richard Stallman deeply criticized the proprietary software system , and his criticism is not only limited in theory but also expanded through the practical developing reality of .

  9. 自由软件运动不仅提出了以软件技术工程改造社会的种种目标,而且,其本身的发展将直接推动马克思曾经预言过的资本主义总利润的下降趋势。

    The Free Software Movement not only brought forward some target to rebuild the society with software project , but also directly impelled the downtrend of total profit of capitalism which Marx had prophesied .

  10. 当代资本主义基本矛盾正在随着新科技革命的发展而深化,发起于美国的自由软件运动可以说是这种深化的最新表现。

    The basic contradiction in contemporary capitalism is deepening with the new revolution of science and technology , and we could say that the Free Software Movement took place in America is its newest manifest .

  11. 本文在广义上使用心理咨询一词,并以此从心理咨询特别是社会心理咨询的角度来分析1983年在美国发起的自由软件运动与社会精神健康的关系。

    We used the word psychological consultation in this article with its broad sense , and we analyse the connection between the Free Software Movement and social mental health based on a viewpoint of psychological consultation which is broadly understood .

  12. 现在是发展中国家加入自由/开源软件运动,通过本地化加速计算技术普及的时候了。

    Now is the time for developing countries to embrace the FOSS movement , and accelerate their adoption of computing technology by localizing foss .