
  • 网络native platinum;Platinum
  1. 四川石棉县首次发现独特的自然铂矿床

    A Native Platinum Deposit First Discovered in Shimian County , Sichuan

  2. 主要矿物是自然铂矿、铁铂合金、钌铱锇矿、等轴锇铱矿和铱锇矿。

    The trace element Rh exists mainly in native platinum , platinum-iron alloy and Pt-containing osmiridium .

  3. 用于直接测定自然铂、铱铂矿中的锇含量,结果满意。

    This method was applied to determine Osmium in natural platinum and iridplatine with satisfactory result .

  4. 石棉县大河坝自然铂矿床位于扬子地台西部边缘康滇南北基底隆起带上。

    The Daheba Pt deposit in Shimian county , SichuanProvince , is located in the NS-trending Kangdian basement uplift zone .

  5. 初步认为该矿床类型属产于层状铁质基性超基性岩与铜硫化物钒钛磁铁矿有关的构造热液再活化型自然铂矿床。

    It is preliminary considered to be a remobilized structure-hydrothermal native Pt deposit associated with Cu sulfide-V-Ti magnetite mineralization in layered ferruginous basic-ultrabasic rocks .