
zì zhì xié yì
  • agreement on autonomy
  1. 基于上下文感知的自治路由协议的研究

    Reasearch of Context Aware Autonomic Routing Protocols

  2. 下一代路由信息协议是基于IPv6的路由信息协议,该协议作为内部网关协议工作在中等规模的自治系统中和其他协议所不同的是,它并不是为了在复杂网络中使用而设计的。

    RIPng is an information routing protocol for the IPv6 . RIPng was designed to work as an internal Gateway Protocol in moderate-size AS 's. It is not intended for use in complex environments .

  3. 意思自治原则与仲裁协议的效力

    Party Autonomy Principle and the Effectiveness of the Arbitrate Agreement