
  • 网络Self-help
  1. 最畅销作者和自助者JamesArthurRay领导了该事件,但是警方称,他现在拒绝配合调查。

    Best selling author , and self-help guru James Arthur Ray , he led this event , but police say he is not cooperating with their investigation .

  2. 自助者天助,这是最好的秘诀。

    Self-help is the best answer .

  3. 自助者天助。

    God helps those who help themselves .

  4. 我们真地相信我们自己是天生的技术工人和自助者。

    We truly believe ourselves to be natural-born mechanics and do-it-yourselves .

  5. 另一个最受喜欢谚语是:“自助者天助之。”

    Another favorite proverb was , " God helps those who help themselves

  6. 另一个最喜欢的格言是“上帝帮助那些能自己帮助自己的。”(自助者天助之。)

    Another favorite proverb was , " God helps those who help themselves . "

  7. 西方有句谚语:自助者上帝助之。

    Western proverb : self-help god help .

  8. 不要如此绝望,高兴起来,面对事实,天助自助者。

    Don 't be so desperate . Cheer up and face reality . God only helps those who help themselves .

  9. 自助者,天亦助之。在这个家庭勇敢地面对困难的时候,命运之神也眷顾了他们,给他们送来了一辆更结实的车。

    As the family faced down the flood on foot , fortune shined on them in the form of a sturdier vehicle .

  10. 自助旅游者对网络旅游信息的需求研究

    A Study of the Independent Tourists ' Demands of Online Tourism Information

  11. 自助旅游者旅游动机及其行为特征研究

    Study on Travelling Motivation and Behavior of Independent Tourist

  12. 面对乡村自助旅游者游客对旅游信息的迫切需求,发展阳朔乡村旅游电子商务网站是最好的解决方案。

    Constructing an electronic business website for village tour is the best way to meet the need of self-service tourists .

  13. 然而由于相关法律法规的缺失,使得自助旅游者的合法权益难以得到保障。

    However , due to the lack of relevant laws and regulations , making self-help tourists difficult to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests .

  14. 本文通过对结伴自助旅游者的信息搜寻行为研究来透视结伴自助旅游者群体特征,试图通过研究结论对旅游企业提出合理建议。

    This article through researching independent traveller in a group information searching behaviour to envision characteristics of independent traveller in a group , through the study of conclusion trying to give reasonable suggestions to tourism enterprise .

  15. 另外,阐明了自助旅游者和旅游企业、保险公司的外部法律关系。第三章,在分析自助旅游法律关系的基础上,进一步研究了自助旅游的内部法律责任和外部法律责任。

    In addition , to clarify the self-help tourists and tourism enterprises , insurance companies , the external legal relationships . Chapter ⅲ, in analyzing the legal relationship self-help tourism , based on further study of the self-help tourism internal legal liability and external legal liability .

  16. 此外研究发现,旅游经验不足的参与者信息搜寻努力程度与传统团队游客并无太大差异,表明原有理论中先前经验越少信息搜寻努力程度越高的研究结论对结伴自助旅游者并不适用。

    In addition , this research finds that the participants having less experience show no difference with traditional package tourists on the information search efforts , this suggests that the original theory which less previous experience more information search efforts is not applicable for independent traveller in a group .

  17. 事实上,我们的目标正好相反,我们是自助的拥护者,帮助人们提升技能和自信以生存于主流社会。

    In fact , our objectives are just the reverse ; those of us who are advocates for self help endeavor to assist people to develop the skills and self-confidence to live in the mainstream of society .

  18. 自助旅游是旅游者按照自己的意志,完全自主选择和安排旅游活动的民事法律行为。

    Self-tour is that tourists according to their own will , completely independently choose and arrange tours of the civil legal acts .

  19. 纵使萨缪尔森被推崇为凯恩斯经济理论的倡导先锋,却自称“自助餐厅凯恩斯主义者”,发扬理论全凭爱好。

    Though regarded as America 's leading standard-bearer for Keynesian economics , he called himself a " cafeteria Keynesian ", just picking the bits he liked .

  20. 随着旅游业的发展,散客个性化自助游逐渐成为旅游市场的发展主流,而自助旅游者通常在旅游中对信息和相关旅游服务比跟团旅游者有更多的需求。

    Walks With the development of the tourism industry , personalized individual tourist has gradually become the mainstream of the development of the tourism market , self-help tourists usually travel in than with the group of tourists information and travel services more demand .

  21. 结伴自助旅游是近年来在国内互联网社区上兴起的一种新型的旅行方式,已被众多自助旅游者认可并采用。

    In recent years , independent travel in a group is a new way to travel rising in the domestic Internet community , and this type has been adopted by many independent travellers .

  22. 自助游客作为旅游主体人群,很多都以地质公园为旅游目的地,但就目前我国地质公园解说服务现状而言,并不能使自助旅游者在游览过程中借助现有的解说系统获得很高的满意度。

    Self-service tourists as a principal part of tourism market , many of them go to geopark . In our country , the status of interpretation service in geopark at present cannot make self-service tourists achieve very high satisfaction .