
chuán dào
  • preach;deliver a sermon;propagate doctrines of the ancient sages;propagate doctrines of the ancient saga
传道 [chuán dào]
  • (1) [preach;deliver a sermon]∶向听众讲授解释道义、道行

  • (2) [propagate doctrines of the ancient saga]∶古时指传授圣贤之道,后也指传教

传道[chuán dào]
  1. 假如胡须就是一切,那么山羊也可以讲经传道了。

    If the beard were all , a goat might preach .

  2. 是谁第一个向外邦人传道的?

    Who were the first people to preach to Gentiles ?

  3. 我住在圣·米歇尔教堂的传道会里。

    I reside at the mission at St Michael 's.

  4. 骗子一直想下手,但是没有机会。季子却不时地催促他传道。

    The swindler wanted all along to take action , but had no chance , while Ji Zi time and again urged him to teach the Taoist doctrine .

  5. provide:供给,提供practice:练习,实行preach:传道,劝诫,说教你们吃我上的菜,践行我的训诫。till:直到(…为止)我同意的时候,paid:pay的过去分词,支付,付钱你们才能和我付钱请来的姑娘们聊天。

    You eat what i provide practice what i preach , And till i say so , The only girls you talk to are the ones I 've paid for .

  6. “它完美地满足了批判性传道,”身为加拿大技术与国籍研究会主席的Barney说道。

    " It fulfills the critical mission perfectly ," says Barney , the Canada research chair in technology and citizenship .

  7. 他曾在芝加哥的西北大学(NorthwesternUniversity)学习表演,并在多个城市担任过电视和剧院的演员和舞台监督。2003年,他加入马萨诸塞州剑桥市的圣约翰福音传道会(SocietyofSt.John),在那里他发誓守贫。

    He studied acting at Northwestern University in Chicago and worked as an actor and stage manager for television and theater in various cities before entering the Society of St. John the Evangelist in Cambridge , Mass . , an Episcopal monastery where he took vows of poverty , in 2003 .

  8. 青少年组的获奖者MarinaBarham则展现给我们一个习以为常却经常忽略的事实——老师不仅传道授业,还给我们以鼓励,这是任何先进的电子产品都不能做到的!

    Youth category winner Marina Barham 's video depicts a fact we all know but often forget . Teachers don 't just teach , they inspire - something that no electronic device , no matter how smart , can do !

  9. 新时期高校教师角色调整探析&论传道、授业、解惑的新内涵

    A Probe into the Roles of Teachers in the New Era

  10. 他们以一种近似福音传道的热情来推行他们的主张。

    They are pushing their ideas with an almost evangelical fervor .

  11. 教师肩负着传道授业的双重责任。

    The teacher carry to preach the dual responsibility for teach .

  12. 你可以问那些听过我传道的人。

    Ask those who have heard what I have to say .

  13. 但《传道书》派的人仍然有纯智的论据。

    There are , however , also intellectual arguments in Ecclesiastes .

  14. 作为传道的门徒,你有没有把你的经历告诉主呢?

    As preaching disciples do you recount your experience to your Lord ?

  15. 门徒就出去,传道叫人悔改。

    And they went out , and preached that men should repent .

  16. 他传道只有短短的三年半。

    His public ministry was but three and a half short years .

  17. 我在大家聚集的教堂传道。

    I 've taught * In the temple where we all gather .

  18. 我们继续跟随耶稣传道的足迹,这次往北走回加利利。

    We are following the footsteps of Jesus during His earthly ministry .

  19. 我记得三月里的一天你有来传道过。

    I remember a homily you did in March sometime .

  20. 新西兰圣母马利亚传道修女会

    Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions , New Zealand

  21. 20年来,他们每个礼拜天都去听那位著名传道教士讲道。

    They sat under the great preacher every Sunday for twenty years .

  22. 彼得向哥尼流传道。

    Professor Dale Martin : Peter preaching to Cornelius , the Gentile .

  23. 于是耶稣在加利利的各会堂传道。

    And he was teaching in the synagogues of galilee .

  24. 师者,传道,授业,解惑也。

    Teacher , preach , teach , dispel doubt also .

  25. 南方传道浸信会天主教堂。

    ' 'missionary Southern Baptist Church of God in christ .

  26. 那牧师在传道时喜欢间接提到荷马。

    The preacher likes to make an allusion to Homer while preaching .

  27. 台中传道部的传教士都有很好的素质。

    The missionaries of the Taichung mission all have very good qualities .

  28. 它需要一定程度的传道和领袖工作。

    It takes a degree of evangelism and leadership .

  29. 当耶稣在世上传道的时代,这些就是当时,对这个词语最常用的三种解释。

    These were the three common uses of that word during Jesus'earthly ministry .

  30. 他的光辉事业以传道为特征。

    The missionary element has marked his glittering career .