
  • 网络transmission efficiency
  1. 试验结果证明样机的传动效率超过75%,达到国内优等品指标,基本达到了日本FA传动样本上传动效率为80%的传递效率。

    It showed that the drive efficiency of trial product exceeded 75 % domestic excellent sample and achieved 80 % transfer efficiency of Japonic FA drive sample .

  2. 当提高丝杠的转速时,螺母和滚柱在轴向仍保持平稳运行。最后,基于MATLAB计算出行星滚柱丝杠的传动效率。

    When increase the speed of the screw , nut and roller still keep running smoothly in the axial . Finally , transmission efficiency of the Planet Roller Screw has been calculated based on MATLAB .

  3. 从提高传动效率和节能的角度出发,提出用PLC(可编程序控制器)和HMI(人机界面)控制电液自动变速器(4D180型)的全新控制方案。

    In view of saving energy and enhancing transmission efficiency , a new PLC and HMI based shift control to4D180 hydraulic torque converter is proposed .

  4. 船舶轴带发电机恒频装置RCF的传动效率研究

    RCF-Constant Speed Device for Marine Shaft Generater

  5. AMT(电控机械式自动变速器)具有传动效率高、制造成本低等一系列优点,具有良好的应用前景。

    AMT ( Automated Mechanical Transmission ) with high transmission efficiency , low manufacturing costs , a series of advantages , with good prospects .

  6. 圆弧齿2K-V型传动效率计算分析

    Efficiency calculation and analyses on type 2K-V transmission with circular-arc teeth

  7. AMT自动变速箱具有成本低、体积小、安装方便、易于制造、传动效率高等特点。

    AMT automatic transmission has the characteristics of low cost , small size , easy installation , easy manufacture , high transmission efficiency and so on .

  8. 2K-H型单向封闭差动无级变速器功率流和传动效率的分析研究

    A study on the power flow distribution and transmission efficiency of 2K-H one direction and sealed differential stepless speed transmission

  9. 研究了CVT参数与传递转矩、传递效率的关系,并找到了提高CVT承载能力和传动效率的途径。

    The relation between parameters and transmitting torque or efficiency were studied , and the way how to improve the transmitting capacity of CVT and transmission efficiency were also investigated .

  10. 从这一结论出发,作者更正了库特略采夫3k传动效率公式[1]、[2]中的错误;

    Based upon this idea , the authors correct the errors in the formula for planetary gearings of type 3K given by .

  11. 机械式变速器以传动效率高、制造成本低等优点,仍占据着很大的市场份额,尤其是在乘用车上采用的前置前驱(FF)的手动变速器。

    Manual transmission still holds a large market share for its high driving efficiency and low manufacture cost , etc. , especially the FF manual transmission which is used in the passenger vehicles .

  12. 本文通过试验,验证了MBDM的力学机理,测定了传动效率及弹性滑动率等相关性能参数。

    The transmission mechanism of MBDM is validated and some performance parameters , such as transmission efficiency and elastic creep ratio , are measured by test .

  13. MBDM稳定运行时的传动效率可稳定在95%~98%,并随磁感应强度的增加而提高。

    The transmission efficiency can be stable in the range from 95 % to 98 % when MBDM circulates normally , and increases with the increase of magnetic induction .

  14. 电控机械式自动变速器(AMT)传动效率高、成本低、易于制造,是在传统变速器和离合器的基础上,应用电子技术和自动变速理论发展起来的。

    Based on the conventional transmission and clutch , the electronic controlled automated mechanical trans - mission ( AMT ) has been developed from the application of electronic techniques and auto speed change theories . The features of AMT are higher transmission efficiency , lower cost and easy to make .

  15. 结果表明,MBDM是利用磁场吸引力和初拉力的耦合作用产生摩擦力而传递运动和动力的,其传动效率可稳定在95%~98%,最高可达99.5%,而弹性滑动率一般在0.1%以下。

    The results show that MBDM mainly depends on the coupling action between magnetic attraction and initial tension to transfer movement and power . The transmission efficiency of MBDM is about form 95 % to 98 % , but the elastic creep ratio is below 0.1 % in general .

  16. 货车基础制动装置静态传动效率一般规律的探讨

    Discussion on General Characteristics of Freight Car Brake Rigging Transmission Efficiency

  17. 两级三环式减速器的传动效率

    Experiment on transmission efficiency of double three - ring gear reducer

  18. 工作传动效率高。

    In addition , the work driving efficiency is high .

  19. 行星轮系传动效率与自锁分析的新方法

    Simplified approach for the determination of the mechanical efficiency in gear trains

  20. 封闭式差动无级变速器传动效率的计算与试验研究

    Calculation and Experimental Research on Transmission Efficiency of Closed Differential Stepless Variator

  21. 传动效率较低,磨损较严重。

    The transmission efficiency is low , the severe wear .

  22. 润滑油对蜗杆传动效率影响的研究

    Study on the Influence of Lubricant on the Efficiency of Worm Drive

  23. 传递大功率闭式行星传动效率的研究

    A Study on the Efficiency of High Power Closed Planetary Gear Transmission

  24. 高承载能力高传动效率新型针摆行星传动研究

    Study on New Pin-cycloidal Drive with High Load-capacity and High Transmission Efficiency

  25. 渐开线蜗杆接触应力及传动效率的研究

    Study on the Contact Stress and Transmission Efficiency of the Involute Worm-drive

  26. 传动效率是无级变速器的一个重要性能指标。

    Transmission efficiency is an important feature for the planetary bevel-type CVT .

  27. 滑动高副的摩擦系数及蜗杆传动效率

    Friction Coefficient of Sliding Higher Pair and Mechanical Efficiency of Worm Gearing

  28. 封闭式行星轮系传动效率计算的结点功率法

    The Node Power Method for Transmission Efficiency Calculation of Closed Planetary Trains

  29. 轿车等速驱动轴传动效率的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Transmission Efficiency for Constant Velocity Drive Shaft of Car

  30. 基于动态损失功率的行星齿轮传动效率计算

    Calculating Efficiency of Planetary Transmission Based on Dynamic Power Losses