
chǐ miàn
  • tooth surface;tooth flank;tooth face;flank of a tooth
齿面[chǐ miàn]
  1. 齿轮润滑设计对齿面失效的影响及设计对策

    Effects of Gear Lubrication Design on Tooth Flank Failures and Design Measures

  2. 指出随着不同变位量的选择,在二包蜗轮齿面得到Ⅰ型接触线和Ⅱ型接触线。

    When the different modified parameters were selected , pattern ⅰ contact line and pattern ⅱ contact line on the tooth flank of the worm wheel were gained .

  3. 共轭鼓形齿面接触分析的FEM与BEM的对比研究

    Comparative Research in FEM and BEM of the Contact Calculation of Conjugate Crowned Gear

  4. 进行齿面结构设计时,应用先进的CAD技术来进一步改进和提高其设计手段非常重要。

    When we design the cutting structure , it is very important to improve and enhance the design means with advanced CAD technology .

  5. 基于Free-form型锥齿轮机床的齿面制造技术

    Tooth Surface Manufacturing Technology Based on the Free-form Bevel Gear Machine

  6. 基于NURBS曲面表示的齿轮齿面光顺

    Fairness of Gear Tooth Surface Described by NURBS

  7. Free-Form机床展成延伸外摆线锥齿轮的齿面几何研究

    Geometric Parameters of Extended Epicycloid Gear Tooth Surface Generated on Free-Form Bevel Gear Milling Machines

  8. 对理论齿面进行测量网格划分,通过MATLAB语言程序求解了各个测量节点的理论坐标值。

    Based on the measurement mesh divided of the theoretical tooth surface , the theory coordinates of the measurement nodes are solved by using the MATLAB language program .

  9. 另外,最终得到的模型齿面统一由NURBS曲面函数表示,NURBS曲面连续和光滑,可为CAD/CAE广泛使用。

    The NURBS surface is continuous and smooth , thus it is available for wide applications in CAD / CAE .

  10. 齿轮齿面接触分析TCA技术及发展动态

    On the technology of Tooth Contact Analysis ( TCA ) and its development tendency

  11. 深入研究了基于产形面的齿面坐标点计算方法和基于B样条插值的齿面坐标点计算方法,并讨论了这两种方法的适用范围。

    The algorithm for the calculation of coordinates of gear tooth surfaces base on both the generating surface and B-spline interpolation are studied in detail , and the applicability of the methods are discussed as well .

  12. 采用CAD三维造型技术与数值计算相结合的方法计算分析了各种加工误差及装配误差对TI蜗杆传动齿面接触的影响。

    The method with the CAD three-dimensional molding technique and the numerical calculation is used in analysis and calculation for the processing errors and the installation errors influencing on the tooth flanks meshing contact of TI worm drive .

  13. 研究结果表明:当混合磨合油中微米颗粒粒度比齿面三维粗糙度Sa值小时,磨粒磨损并不显著,且纳米微粒起到加剧磨合磨损的作用。

    The results show that the abrasive wear is weak and the running-in wear becomes severer when the micro particle granularity in mixture oil is beyond the value of 3 dimension roughness of the gear pair surfaces ;

  14. 分析表明,只有当蜗轮齿面上的啮合界限线为一条或两条且这两条线不重合时,才能在二次包络TI蜗杆传动副的蜗轮齿面上得到二次接触线;

    The results show that only when there is one meshing limit line on the worm tooth flank or two lines which are not coincide with each other can the second contact line be seen on the worm tooth flank of double enveloping TI worm gearing .

  15. 为了更准确地描述齿面接触应力,在Hertz公式的基础上,结合平面包络环面蜗杆传动的啮合特性和齿廓形状,探索平面包络环面蜗杆传动瞬态接触应力的计算方法。

    In order to describe contact stress accurately , on the basis of Hertz formula , contact stress formula has been deduced which is more fit to the planar enveloping hourglass worm gear according to the mesh and tooth-form character .

  16. 本文从弹流理论(EHL)出发,对低速重载齿轮的润滑状态进行了理论计算,并分析了各项参数对齿面油膜厚度和齿面承载能力的综合影响。

    In light of the elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication ( EHL ) theory , the lubrication regime in slow-speed gearing under heavy loads is calculated , and the combined effect of the gearing parameters on the film thickness and load-carrying capacity of tooth surfaces are analysed .

  17. 钻头齿面堆焊用硬质合金耐磨性试验

    Abrasive tests for the hard alloy welded on the bit teeth

  18. 化学反应膜对齿面润滑状态影响的研究

    Influence of Chemical Reaction Film on Lubrication Condition of Tooth Surface

  19. 机床齿轮齿面粗糙度检测方法的研究

    Research on Roughness Testing Mehtod for Tooth Face of Machine Gears

  20. 基于计算机代数系统的超环面传动齿面分析

    The Management Theory of the Toroidal Drive by Computer Algebra Method

  21. 齿面润滑压力和油膜厚度的数值分析

    Numerical Analysis to Lubrication Pressure and Film Thickness on Gear Surface

  22. 数字化齿面展成加工中的齿廓误差补偿研究。

    Research on error compensation of machining of digital tooth surfaces .

  23. 齿面摩擦规律的模拟试验研究

    Research of Simulation Tests on Coefficient of Friction Between Tooth Flanks

  24. 关于渐开线齿轮齿面接触应力精确计算的探讨

    On the Precise Calculation of Contact stress of the Spur gears

  25. 基于一维测头准双曲面齿轮齿面偏差的测量

    Tooth Surface Deviation Measurement of Hypoid Gears Based on One-dimensional Probe

  26. 点啮合齿面主动设计研究

    Study on the function - oriented design of point-contact tooth surfaces

  27. 点接触蜗杆传动的齿面接触分析方法

    The Tooth Contact Analysis of Worm Gear Drive with Point Contact

  28. 齿轮齿面误差的二维谱估计与误差诊断

    Two-Dimensional Spectral Estimation and Diagnosis of the Gear Tooth Surface Errors

  29. 一种真实齿面相交干涉分析的新方法

    A New Method of Intersection Interference Analysis for Real Tooth Surface

  30. 数字化齿面磨削加工虚拟仿真研究

    Study of Virtual Simulation of Grinding of Digital Gear Tooth Surface