
  • 网络Conduction;EMI;Conducted Emission;Conduction Emission
  1. 电子镇流器中脉冲变压器磁芯对传导干扰的研究

    The Effect of Ballast 's Pulse Transformer Magnetism Core on Conduction Interference

  2. 电气设备传导干扰检测的研究

    Study of Detection Conduction Interference in Electrical Installations

  3. PWM驱动电机系统传导干扰预测模型的研究

    Research on Conducted Interference Prediction Modes of PWM Drive Motor System

  4. 对DC电网系统传导干扰的研究有一定参考价值。

    There are also some references about studying on DC network system ′ s conducting interference .

  5. 数字PCB电流传导干扰信号实时检测系统的设计

    Design of Real-Time Detection System for Current Conduction Interference Signal in Digital PCB

  6. AC/DCbuck变换器的传导干扰分析及抑制

    Analysis and restrain on conducted EMI of AC / DC buck converter

  7. 逆变器驱动电机系统EMC模型建立及直流侧传导干扰研究

    Conducted EMI analysis and modeling of DC power supply with an inverter load

  8. EMI滤波器控制传导干扰实验与分析

    Experiment on Controlling Conducted Interference Level with EMI Filter and Its Analysis

  9. 新型抗EMI材料及其传导干扰抑制性能评价

    Evaluation on Performance of a New Anti-EMI Material for Conductive Interference Suppression

  10. 基于SVC的变电站内传导干扰测试与仿真建模

    Measurement and Modeling of conducted interference generated by SVC-based substations

  11. 分析了一般控制系统中的传导干扰的噪声源及耦合、电磁干扰的一些模型和相关的EMC设计。

    Analysis of the general control system of the Conducted EMI noise source and the coupling is discussed .

  12. 对于传导干扰,采用EMI滤波器是最有效的方法之一。

    For conducted interference , the use of EMI filter is one of the most effective methods .

  13. 为此,本文应用高频电压电流探头和光纤传输等技术,对安装SVC的变电站进行了现场传导干扰的测试。

    High-frequency voltage / current probes and optical fibre transmission techniques were used for on-site measurements at SVC-based substations .

  14. 电源EMI滤波器作为开关电源的辅助器件,可以有效地抑制开关电源中的传导干扰。

    The EMI filter as an auxiliary device of switching power supply can effectively suppress the conducted interference of switching power supply .

  15. 本文侧重研究了典型开关电源中的几种EMI形式,即传导干扰(包括差模和共模噪声)和辐射干扰。

    This dissertation examines the different kinds of EMI in typical SMPS , namely conducted ( differential and common mode ) and radiated interferences .

  16. DC-DC高频开关电源中,相邻高频信号线以及它们和公共地线之间产生电磁传导干扰。

    In DC-DC high frequency switching mode power supply , electromagnetism Interference is produced between neighboring high frequency signal wires and communal ground lines .

  17. 为了正确设计逆变电源EMI滤波器,必须首先确定逆变电源传导干扰的性质,确定各种干扰信号的量值。

    It is necessary to confirm the conducted noise 's qualities and the different noise 's quantities for design an EMI filter for Inverter power supply noise .

  18. 根据传导干扰测量原理,结合换向模型和电机EMC高频仿真模型,建立了直流电机传导干扰的电路数学模型。

    According to conducted interference measurement principle , combined with EMC for high frequency to the model and simulation model , DC motor conduction disturbances established mathematical model of the circuit .

  19. 诊断开关电源传导干扰的主要性质,分别测量共模干扰和差模干扰,是正确设计电源EMI滤波器的第一步。

    It is difficult to design and build an effective power line EMI filter for switched mode power supply without distinguishing the differential or common mode component from conducted noise .

  20. 利用测得的传导干扰耦合通道特性,具体分析了PWM开关电源高频功率开关器件中dv/dt、di/dt对传导干扰发射的作用。

    According to the equations and the characteristics of the coupling paths , the different roles of dv / dt and di / dt in high frequency switches on conducted EMI emissions can be analyzed concretely .

  21. 提出了一种把汽车点火系统的初级线圈电压注入端的绝缘闸双极性晶体管(IGBT)作为一种开关模式电源并对其工作时产生的传导干扰进行测量。

    A new way to measure the conducted electromagnetic interference , which regards the IGBT of injected port of primary winding in automobile port fire as a power supply working in switch model , has been provided .

  22. 由于传导干扰的路径和上下桥臂IGBT的开通和关断有很大关系,因此分析了IGBT不同的开关状态下的共模干扰和差模干扰的传播路径及其共模干扰和差模干扰传播的特点。

    Because There is a relationship between the loop of conducted interference and turn-on and turn-off of the up and down bridge arm IGBTs , analyze the loop of CM interference and DM interference as the state of IGBT .

  23. 结果表明,1.8GHz时SCM的最大损耗功率比(Ploss/Pin)为0.4,明显高于其它材料,具有优越的传导干扰抑制性能。

    Obtained results show that the maximum of power loss ( Ploss / Pin ) of SCM is reached 0.4 in 1.8 GHz , and it is higher than other materials distinctly , so SCM has an excellent suppression action to conducted interference .

  24. 本文在讨论如何建立电力电子装置的传导干扰传播通道的电路模型的基础上,借助ORCADPSPICE软件对一开关电源进行了灵敏度分析。

    This paper first discusses how to build circuit model for the conducted EMI coupling paths in switch mode power supply . Based on the model , its sensitivity of a switch mode power supply has been analyzed by the OrCAD / PSpice software .

  25. 利用探针检测开关电源传导干扰

    Using Probe to Detect Conduction Interference in Switching Mode Power Supply

  26. 开关电源传导干扰信号的虚拟仪器测量

    Virtual Instrument Measuring of Conduction Interference Signal in Switches Power Supply

  27. 全桥变换器中寄生参数对传导干扰的影响

    Effects of Parasitic Parameters on Conducted Interference in Full Bridge Converters

  28. 感应电机传导干扰频段∏型共模等效模型

    Novel π - type Conducted Common-mode EMI Model for Induction Machines

  29. 相控整流桥网侧差模传导干扰的预测与抑制

    Prediction and Suppression of Different Mode Conducted EMI of Three-phase Rectifier

  30. 顺向法检测出现二种形式的容积传导干扰。

    There are two shapes of interference in orthodromic method .