
chuán zhì dān yuán shù
  • number of transfer unit
  1. 用Excel求填料吸收塔传质单元数

    Application of Excel in the calculation of the transfer unit number of absorption packed tower

  2. 采用PtSDB疏水催化剂与亲水填料按1∶4混装进行氘从气相到液相的催化交换实验,研究影响传质单元数及氘转化率的因素。

    The experimental studies on hydrogen isotopic deuterium from gas to liquid phase were completed by mixed ratio 1 ∶ 4 of Pt-SDB hydrophobic catalyst and hydrophillic packing . The influencing factors on number of transfer units ( NTU ) and transformation efficiencies of deuterium were researched .

  3. 传质单元数的计算方法

    The Method How to Solve the Number of Elements of Mass Transfer

  4. 液相传质单元数的探讨

    Study on the Number of Liquid Transfer Units

  5. 计算机模拟图解积分法求气相吸收总传质单元数

    The application of computer imitating graphical integration to get overall gas absorption number of mass transfer untis

  6. 依据溶质渗透理论,得出了汽、液相传质单元数与传质系数、汽液接触时间、相界面积、物系性质及塔板结构的关联式。

    Based on the penetration theory , a new semiempirical relationship for the prediction of the number of mass transfer units is given .

  7. 与现有的求传质单元数的公式比较,该式具有形式简单,适用于理想溶液各种进料状况以及某些二元恒沸精馏系统的优点。

    Compared with the existing equation to calculate the number of transfer units , the new equation is simple and suitable for use under various feeding conditions of ideal solution and some binary azeotropic distillation systems .

  8. 论文主要研究内容及结果如下:(1)为解决由组分溶解性能不同而导致的不相容问题,提出将传质单元理论塔板数作为优化变量的多组分体系MEN综合思想。

    The main contents and results of this thesis are as follows : ( 1 ) To handle the incompatible problem that caused by the diverse solubility of components in multi-component systems , the synthesis though of setting tray numbers of mass exchange units as variables are proposed .