
yè yè píng héng
  • liquid-liquid equilibrium
液液平衡[yè yè píng héng]
  1. DEM与溶剂等液液平衡数据测定及影响因素关联

    Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium Data Determination for DEM and Solvent and Its Correlation with the Affecting Factors

  2. 马丁-侯(M-H)状态方程计算二元液液平衡

    Calculating Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium ot Binary System by M-H Equation of State

  3. 三元链状分子系统液液平衡的MonteCarlo模拟和分子热力学模型

    Monte Carlo Simulations and Theoretical Calculations of Liquid-Liquid Equilibria for Ternary Chain Molecule Systems

  4. 用自制的液液平衡釜测定了两个三元体系(水-醋酸-醋酸丙酯)、(水-醋酸-醋酸异丙酯)在298.15K、101.33kPa下的液液平衡数据。

    Liquid-liquid equilibrium ( LLE ) data for water-acetic acid-propyl acetate and water-acetic acid-isopropyl acetate systems were measured at 298.15 K 、 101.33 kPa .

  5. 确定了液液平衡组成计算方法,采用UNIFAC模型计算组分活度系数,并用VB语言编制了计算程序,应用牛顿-拉斐森方法解非线性方程组。

    In this paper , the calculation , method for the constitution of the liquid-liquid equilibrium is confirmed , the activity coefficient is calculated by the UNIFAC model , and the program is developed with the VB language .

  6. 针对体系的非理想过程,采用UNIFAC基团贡献法计算液液平衡常数,解决了实验数据不足造成的局限。

    As to the non-linear process of the system , we calculate the constant of the Liquid-liquid equilibrium by making use of the UNIFAC Method to solve the problem of the lack of experimental data .

  7. 以NRTL方程关联液液平衡数据,进而推算常压汽液平衡;与实测结果比较,温度平均偏差为0.61℃,汽相组成平均偏差为0.0131摩尔分数。

    The NRTL parameters correlated from the liquid-liquid equilibrium data were used to calculate the vapor-liquid equilibrium with mean deviations of temperature and vapor composition of 0.61 ℃ and 0.0131 mole fraction , respectively .

  8. 测定了常压下288.15K、293.15K、298.15K及303.15K时水-乙酸-2-乙基己醇三元体系的液液平衡数据,并用NRTL模型对实验数据进行关联。

    The liquid liquid equilibrium data of water-acetic acid-2 ethyl hexanol ternary system at 288.15K , 293.15K , 298.15K and 303.15K were determined under atmospheric pressure .

  9. 本文应用由分子聚集理论改进的vanderwaals方程和vanLaar混合规则对六个有机物水溶液体系的液液平衡进行了计算,取得了满意的结果。

    In the present paper , we have calculated the liquid-liquid equilibrium data with quite satisfactory results , for six binary systems of organic aqueous solution by using van der Waals equation , modified by the theory of molecular aggregation and van Laar mixing rule .

  10. 在格子模型基础上,采用构型偏倚蒸发法(CBVM)对三元链状分子系统的液液平衡进行了MonteCarlo模拟,分别考查了分子链长和链节间相互作用参数对相区的影响。

    The Monte Carlo simulation on a lattice model was used to study the liquid-liquid equilibria for ternary chain-like molecular systems by using previous configuration-bias-vaporization method ( CBVM ) . The influence of the length of chains , and interaction parameters between segments on the phase equilibrium was investigated .

  11. 三氯乙烯与糠醛水溶液的液液平衡及萃取模拟计算

    Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium of Furfural-Water-Trichloroethylene and Simulation Calculation of Furfural Water Extraction

  12. 双水相液液平衡的热力学模型和关联方法

    Thermodynamical models and correlation methods of aqueous two phase liquid equilibria

  13. 异丁醇-水体系液液平衡研究

    The Research of liquid liquid Equilibrium for Isobutyl Alcohol water System

  14. 3-氰基吡啶-水-苯三元体系液液平衡的测定

    Determination of Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium for the Ternary System 3-Cyanopyridine-Water-Ben (?) ene

  15. 蛋白质双水相液液平衡的热力学模型与研究进展

    Thermodynamic Model and Development of Liquid Balance of Protein Aqueous Two-phase System

  16. 水-异丙醚-苯酚和水-异丁醇-苯酚体系的液液平衡研究壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚的裂解及定量测定

    Research on Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium of Water-Isopropyl Ether-Phenol and Water-Isobutanol-Phenol Systems

  17. 水-正己烷-甲醇体系的液液平衡研究

    Liquid-liquid equilibrium for mixtures of water , methanol and n-hexane

  18. 催化糠醛抽提液液平衡组成计算程序开发

    The Program Development for Liquid-liquid Equilibrium Constitution Calculation of Catalysis Furfural Extraction

  19. 应用正规溶液理论计算含水体系液液平衡

    Application of Regular Solution Theory to Calculate the Liquid-Liquid Equilibria for Water-containing Systems

  20. N-甲酰吗啉加水溶剂抽提芳烃的液液平衡

    Liquid-liquid equilibria for aromatics extraction using n-formylmorpholine + water

  21. 水一醋酸一醋酸正丁酯三元体系液液平衡研究

    Study on Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium of the Ternary System Water-Acetic Acid - n-butyl Acetate

  22. 计算液液平衡的基团溶解度参数模型研究

    Calculation of liquid-liquid equilibrium using group solubility parameter model

  23. 水-乙酸-2-乙基己醇三元体系液液平衡测定及关联

    Liquid Liquid Equilibrium of Water-Acetic Acid-2 Ethyl Hexanol System

  24. MMA-甲醇-水-苯四元系液液平衡数据的测定及预测

    Determination and Prediction of Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium Data in the Quarternary System of MMA-Methanol-Water-Benzene

  25. 甲醇(水)-正己烷-菜籽油拟三元体系的液液平衡测定

    Determination of liquid-liquid equilibrium for pseudo-triple system containing methanol , n-hexane and rapeseed oil

  26. 探讨了在25℃温度条件下,醋酸水混合溶剂的液液平衡。

    The liquid-liquid equilibria for acetic acid-water binary solvent systems were investigated at25 ℃ .

  27. 水-异丙醚-苯酚-对苯二酚液液平衡数据的测定及关联

    Determination and Correlation of Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium Data for the Quaternary System of Water-Isopropyl Ether-Phenol-Hydroquinone

  28. 正丁醇-水-氯化钙体系液液平衡的测定和预测

    Measurement and prediction of liquid-liquid equilibrium of water-1-butanol in the presence of calcium chloride

  29. 醋酸-水-混合溶剂的液液平衡

    Liquid-liquid equilibria of acetic acid-water binary solvent systems

  30. 低浓度下己内酰胺-水-硫酸铵-苯体系的液液平衡

    Liquid-Liquid Equilibria of Caprolactam-H_2O - ( NH_4 ) _2SO_4-C_6H_6 System at Low Caprolactam Concentrations