
  • 网络dimensional resonance
  1. 共振型进气消声器腔体尺寸对其共振频率影响研究

    The Research on Resonator Parameters ' Affect on Resonant Frequency of Helmholtz Resonant Intake Silencer

  2. 磁力共振是一种与磁性介质尺寸有关的共振现象,它是在磁化过程中伴之较大的磁致伸缩振动引起的力学共振。

    Magnetomechanical resonance is a resonant phenomenon related to the size of magnetic medium and it is a mechanical resonance caused by magnetostriction vibration during magnetization .

  3. 赛莫金娜教授开发的这种非金属材质的披风,采用了与红外线波长尺寸相同的玻璃共振片,由硫系玻璃制成,不会导电。

    Professor Elena Semouchkina has developed a nonmetallic cloak that uses identical glass resonators made of chalcogenide glass , a type of material that does not conduct electricity .

  4. 模拟仿真一维球形银纳米粒子阵列结构的吸收峰和透射特性,在400nm-1100nm波长范围内,分析研究了粒子尺寸的大小对共振吸收峰的影响以及粒子间距对透射率的影响。

    The absorption peaks and transmittance characteristics of one-dimensional spherical silver nanoparticles array structure has been simulated , and the effect of particle size on resonance absorption peak as well as the effect of space of particles on transmittance have been discussed and studied .