
  1. 调试时间排除故障时间多时间尺度协调的区域控制偏差超前控制方法

    Debugging period A Multi-Timescale Coordination Method for Area Control Error Advanced Control

  2. 这样,设计活动在这两种尺度的不断协调中,才能造福人类,构造出和谐社会。

    In this way , in the process of continual coordination between its two internal criterions , the designing activity can brings benefit to mankind and build a harmonious society .

  3. 在人性化家具的具体设计中,主要的考虑因素就是人体尺度,即家具直接作用于人体部分的形式和尺度应与人体的生理特点和生理尺度相协调。

    In the concrete design , the main design factor was body measure , which asked for the furniture effect on human body to coordinate with the human being 's physiological characteristic and measure .