
  • 网络Circumference
  1. 圆的周长和直径的比是常数。

    Diameter of root circular-arc juncture circle the velocity of light is a constant .

  2. 师:圆的周长的计算方法,用字母公式表示。

    Teacher : Express the way of calculating the perimeter of a circle by letters .

  3. 圆周率,即圆的周长与其直径之比,是数学中最重要的常数之一。

    Pi , the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter , is a very im-portant constant in mathematics .

  4. 它听起来很简单,圆的直径除以周长就等于圆周率。

    It sounds simple : Pi equals the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter .

  5. 椭圆管的长短轴之比为2.25,与圆管具有相同的周长。

    The ratio of the long axis over the short one of the oval tube is 2.25 with the same perimeter length as the round tube .

  6. 进一步熟记圆的概念,区分圆的周长和面积。

    To further understand the concept of a circle , distinguish the perimeter and the area of a circle .

  7. 生:围成圆的曲线的长度叫做圆的周长。圆的周长和直径的比是常数。

    Students : The length of the curve making a circle is called the perimeter . the velocity of light is a constant .