
  • 网络Rundetaarn;tower;The Round Tower
  1. 由两个四方形的庭院构成,院落之间隔着一个巨大的圆塔。圆塔建于人工堆成的小丘上,几哩之外都能看见。

    It comprises two quadrilateral Building courts , or upper and lower wards , separated by the Round Tower ( erected by Henry II ), a massive structure Built on a mound and visible for many miles .

  2. 看一看透过那好似一道奇妙绿篱的尖顶、圆塔和钟楼的灿烂阳光;

    Look at the sky athwart that surprising forest of spires , towers , and belfries ;

  3. 华丽的、金色的圆塔从屋顶上伸向空中。在围绕着这整个建筑物的圆柱中间,立着许多大理石像。它们看起来像是活人一样。

    Splendid gilded cupolas rose over the roof , and between the pillars that surrounded the whole building stood life-like statues of marble .

  4. 不过坐在这儿钱箱上的那只狗的一对眼睛,可有'圆塔'(注:这是指哥本哈根的有名的“圆塔”;它原先是一个天文台。)那么大啦。

    The dog who sits on this chest is very dreadful ; his eyes are as big as a tower , but do not mind him .

  5. 这儿的一只狗,两只眼睛真正有“圆塔”那么大!它们在脑袋里转动着,简直像轮子!

    Then he went into the third room , and there the dog was really hideous ; his eyes were , truly , as big as towers , and they turned round and round in his head like wheels .

  6. 随后他就走进第三个房间——乖乖,这可真有点吓人!这儿的一只狗,两只眼睛真正有“圆塔”那么大!它们在脑袋里转动着,简直像轮子!

    then he went into the third room , and there the dog was really hideous ; his eyes were , truly , as big as towers , and they turned round and round in his head like wheels .

  7. 3D圆阀塔板性能研究

    Study on Performance of 3D Round Valve Tray

  8. 高耸圆钢管装饰塔整体及节点有限元分析

    Global and local FEM analysis of a high-rise ornamental tower composed of steel tubes

  9. 在理论分析、调查研究以及借鉴我院原圆堡形爆炸塔设计经验的基础上,设计了我院的爆炸硐室,其中采取了多项独特的设计技术。

    On the basis of the theoretical , some investigations and the original design of the round blasting tunnel of our Institute , the authors have designed the blasting tunnel by means of the unique designing techniques .