
  • 网络African Studies;Africa Studies;Africana Studies
  1. JeffWaage是英国伦敦国际发展中心主任、伦敦大学东方及非洲研究学院的教授。

    Jeff Waage is director of the London International Development Centre and professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies , University of London , United Kingdom .

  2. 非洲研究的一门跨学科课程。

    An interdisciplinary course in African studies .

  3. 在北京,中国社会科学院(chineseacademyofsocialsciences)非洲研究室主任贺文萍表示,中国同加纳的强大关系不会受到这场纠纷的影响。

    He Wenping , head of Africa research at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing , said the strong ties between China and Ghana would be little affected by the dispute .

  4. 西印度群岛非洲研究协会

    African Studies Association of the West Indies

  5. 新世纪中国中东非洲研究展望&访中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所所长杨光

    Yang Guang talks on prospects of china 's Mid-East and African Studies in the new century

  6. 之前的20年,我一直在非洲研究饥饿问题,

    That was after having spent about 20 years together with African institutions studying hunger in Africa ,

  7. 另外,我们还要加强对非洲研究的调研力量,真正做到知巳知彼。

    Besides , we should strengthen our African research force so as to understand each other well .

  8. 但一些非洲研究人员表示,他们已研发出可在降雨稀少地区种植的水稻品种。

    But some African researchers say they have developed rice plants that can grow in areas with little rainfall .

  9. 20世纪90年代非洲研究的产出量下降当时世界的其余部分正在前进而且仍然是全世界产出量中最低的。

    African research output declined in the1990s when the rest of the world was moving ahead and remains among the world 's lowest .

  10. 本文是作者在北京大学非洲研究中心2000年8月举办的中非关系论坛会议上的发言稿。

    This dissertation is the text presented by the author at the Sino-African Relationship Forum held by African Research Center of Peking University in August .

  11. 今年来自欧洲-非洲研究网络的一份报告提到了这个伙伴关系的“不对称”以及在非洲的进程的“所有权不足”。

    A report from the Europe-Africa research network this year identified " assymetries " in the partnership and an " ownership deficit " of the process in Africa .

  12. 但是北京大学非洲研究中心副主任刘海方表示越来越多的学生们转向其他海外志愿工作的组织。

    But , said Liu Haifang , deputy director of Peking University 's Africa Research Center , students are increasingly turning to other organizations for overseas volunteer work .

  13. 鉴于中国人类学非洲研究的现实需求与历史局限性,需中国学界拓展研究视野,加强对非洲的人类学研究。

    Considering the realistic needs and historical limitation of the anthropological African studies in China , it should be strengthened and the vision should be widened for the Chinese researchers .

  14. “中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所编撰的《非洲发展报告》全面、系统地阐述了非洲地缘政治格局的发展趋势。

    Compiled by the West Asia and Africa Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , the report expounds on the geopolitical development trends across the African continent .

  15. 尽管如此,我身体状况足够健康,可以让我在高中和大学的空档年在印度教书一年,并且随后在伦敦东方与非洲研究学院拿下汉语学位。

    Despite this I was well enough to spend my gap year teaching in India and then take a degree in Mandarin at the School of Oriental and African studies in London .

  16. 中国社会科学院非洲研究室主任李智彪指出,目前大规模的基础设施建设已经成为非洲经济发展的重要支柱。

    Li Zhibiao , a director of Africa research at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , suggests that the large-scale infrastructure construction has become an important pillar of Africa 's economic development . ,

  17. 他发现的尼诺效应甚至在统计上去除了当地降雨和温度的直接影响这正是非洲研究里的工作后看起来产生了阻碍作用。

    The Ni ñ o effect he found seems to hold up even when statistics are used to remove the direct influence on local rainfall and temperature , which was what the African study dealt with .

  18. Snewin说,在非洲医学研究领域一般有两种典型的机构。

    There are generally two types of institution in African medical research , says Snewin .

  19. MontyJones是2004年世界粮食奖获得者,他即将担任全球农业研究论坛(GFAR)的主席以及非洲农业研究论坛(FARA)的执行理事。

    Monty Jones , 2004 World Food Prize Laureate , is the incoming chair of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research ( GFAR ) and executive director of the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa ( FARA ) .

  20. 提高非洲的研究能力是一项同样重要的目标。

    Improving research capacity in Africa is an equally important objective .

  21. 论中国非洲学研究中的部族问题

    TX on the issue of ' tribe ' in china 's African Studies

  22. 有的还说去了非洲做研究。

    Some students are said to been to Africa .

  23. 蜡染源流与非洲蜡染研究

    Study on Origin of Batik and African Batik Technique

  24. 美国对南部非洲政策研究委员会

    Study commission on United States Policy toward Southern Africa

  25. 纽约非洲艺术研究学院

    African Academy of Arts and Research , New York

  26. 东非和南部非洲教育研究网

    Educational Research Network of Eastern and Southern Africa

  27. 南部非洲问题研究资料联合会

    Collective of Research and Information on Southern Africa

  28. 非洲人类学研究:希望与困难并存

    African anthropology studies : hope and bump co-exists

  29. 在非洲接受研究的疫苗应征者没有人能够等到那个时候。

    None of the vaccine candidates being studied in Africa have gotten that far .

  30. 非洲赤眼蜂研究概况

    Status of Trichogramma research in Africa